MYM, come hither! I ask you today what your favorite mods are for a "Unofficial" mod pack I may or may not make, the theme is now "TechnoMage" and 1.7 mods will only be considered
Current List Subject to change Thaumcraft +add- Biomes o' Plenty Thermal Expansion Dragon Mounts NEI Morph Mod Open Blocks Tropicraft Twilight Forest Journey Map Fastcraft (Or other FPS improving mods) Galacticraft The Camping Mod Fossils and Archelodgey Food Plus Natura IC2 (Maybe Gregtech, looks like a cool add-on) Better Furnaces Tinker's Construct Forge Micro Blocks Advanced Genetics Applied Energistics 2 Blood Magic Botania Red Power (Not sure if its still called this, though Ill find it) Nether Ores Simply Jetpacks Chisle Tinkers Mechworks Super Crafting Frame Better Storage Draconic Evolution Build Craft Enchiridion 1 or 2 Steve's Carts Carpenter's Blocks Metallurgy Magical Crops Mr Crayfish's furniture mod Artifice EE3 (Likely to be removed) Witching Gadgets Enhanced Portals 3 Bibliocraft and all add-ons Forestry Ars Magica 2 Mo' Creatures Damage Indicators Power Armor Secret Rooms Mod Roller Coaster Mod (Very likely to be removed) Forbidden Magic EnderIO Electrical Age Computer Craft Big Reactors RailCraft Mariculture Mystcraft StatusEffctsHUD Sync Agriculture Magic Bees Magic Crops Torcherino Ugo Craft Instant Blocks Minefactory Reloaded Abbysal Craftons Witchery
EnderIO, you may ask why. This mod can carry you from the start into the endgame and has everything you need, power, redstone, sorting, spawning... The second reasons are their cables so they can all fit into 1 block space + facades so you can hide them nicely (connected textures work too)
thaumcraft and all the mods in monster, nclude on the list all the mods in ethoslab's modpack and you're done, but my favorite of all of them is the torcherino mod
I like thermal dynamics because it has very nice conduits, you can see items flowing through the itemducts and the fluxducts can transfer very large amounts of power
I would love to have this one, though it doesn't really fit the theme[DOUBLEPOST=1429460020,1429459886][/DOUBLEPOST] Added[DOUBLEPOST=1429460036][/DOUBLEPOST] Added[DOUBLEPOST=1429460055][/DOUBLEPOST] Added[DOUBLEPOST=1429460094][/DOUBLEPOST] Could you send me a list of all the mods on Monster? I would like to check a couple out[DOUBLEPOST=1429460191][/DOUBLEPOST] Added[DOUBLEPOST=1429460207][/DOUBLEPOST] Added
Here you go Spoiler: List of monster mods: Additional Buildcraft Objects - Flow86 Advanced Genetics - ObsiLP Agriculture - Team Metallurgy Alternate Terrain Generation - TTFTCUTS Applied Energistics - AlgorithmX2 ArmorStatusHUD - bspkrs AutoUtils - AUTOMATIC_MAIDEN Backpacks - Eydamos Basic Components - Universal Electricity Team bdlib - bdew BetterStorage - copygirl BiblioCraft - Nuchaz BiblioWoods-BoP - Nuchaz BiblioWoods-Forestry - Nuchaz BiblioWoods-Natura - Nuchaz Big Reactors - ErogeneousBeef Biomes O Plenty - Flostride, Adubbz, etc. Blood Magic - WayofTime bspkrsCore - bspkrs Buildcraft - SpaceToad, etc. Chicken Chunks - Chickenbones Chisel - AUTOMATIC_MAIDEN CodeChickenCore - Chickenbones COFHcore - Team COFH Compact Solars - cpw Compact Windmills - Aroma1997 ComputerCraft - dan200 Craft Heraldry - Vazkii DamageIndicators - rich1051414 denlib - denoflions denPipes - denoflions denPipes-Emerald - denoflions denPipes-Forestry - denoflions DragonAPI - Reika Dye Trees - Reika Dynamic Liquid Tanks 2 - WingsOfLife Emasher's Resource - Emasher Enderstorage - Chickenbones EnderIO - CrazyPants Endernet - asiekierka Engineer's Toolbox - Emasher Enhanced Portals 3 - Alz454 EVOC - ProfMobius Expanded Redstone - Reika Extra Utilities - RWTema Factorization - neptunepink Flatsigns - Myrathi Forestry - SirSengir Forge Multipart - Chickenbones GasCraft - Emasher Gate Copy - denoflions Gendustry - bdew GeoStrata - Reika Hopper Ducts - FyberOptic IChunUtil - IChun IC2 Experimental - IC2 Dev Team Infinibows - Myrathi Inventory Tweaks - Kobata Iron Chests - cpw JABBA - ProfMobius JourneyMap - Techbrew Logistic Pipes - RS485 Lycanites Mobs - Lycanite Magic Bees - MysteriousAges Magical Crops - Mark719 Mariculture - joshie Meteorcraft - Reika MFFS - Calclavia Mimicry - sparroha MineFactoryReloaded - powercrystals, skyboy MobiusCore - ProfMobius Modular Powersuits - MachineMuse Mystcraft - xcompwiz Natura - mDiyo NEI Addons - bdew NEI Plugins - mistaqur Nether Ores - powercrystals, skyboy Not Enough Items - Chickenbones Not Enough Keys - Mr. Okushama Numina - MachineMuse Obsidiplates - Myrathi OpenBlocks - Mikee OpenPeripheral - Mikee Opis - ProfMobius Project:Red - MrTjp Portal Gun - iChun PowerCrystalsCore - powercrystals, skyboy QuarryPlus - denoflions Railcraft - CovertJaguar Random Things - lumien ReactorCraft - Reika Redstone Arsenal - Team COFH Rei's Minimap - ReiNSFK Reliquary - TheMike RemoteIO - dmillerw Revamp - Rivvest Roguelike Dungeons - Greymerk Rotarycraft - Reika Sort Fix - LexManos Special Mobs - FatherToast StatusEffectHUD - bspkrs Steve's Carts - Vswe Switches - Myrathi Sync - iChun Thaumcraft 4 - Azanor Thaumcraft Mob Aspects - Iguana_man Thaumic Tinkerer - Vazkii Thermal Expansion - Team COFH Tinker's Construct - mDiyo Tinker's Mechworks - mDiyo Torch Levers - HitchH1k3r Twilight Forest - Benimatic Universal Electricity Core - Universal Electricity Team Waila - ProfMobius WRCBE - Chickenbones Zan's Minimap - MamiyaOtaru
you just want me to start playing ultimate.... dont you.[DOUBLEPOST=1429469055][/DOUBLEPOST]@Connor5901 while the idea of tossing your favorite mods into a pack sounds like a fun idea.... its really not. There are reasons why Reactorcraft is not in any of the main packs, and why some other mods are left out as well. In order to make a good pack, you must first think of what you want the pack to be. You want tech heavy, magic, exploration, adventure...ect Then you start by picking your base mods. Mods that dont play well together because of balance are always the first to get crossed off the list... first ones to come to mind are Dartcraft Draconic Evolution Mechanism Magic crops Rotory craft Then you make a list of mods with game/ server breaking bugs. IF you make a pack consisting of what everyone like, no one will be able to play it
@Crhymez Could you help me with some revisions? I don't plan on adding everything that get suggested, Eg: Lucky Blocks, TerraFirmaCraft