Factions Server: FTB Trident(maybe/hopefully)

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by MaelstromPhoenix, Apr 19, 2015.

  1. MaelstromPhoenix

    MaelstromPhoenix Well-Known Member

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    FTB Trident is intended to be a PvP pack. It has flans mod, helicopters and turrets. If its not PvP there is little point to it.[DOUBLEPOST=1429484816,1429483232][/DOUBLEPOST]Factions Plugin Overview:

    Link - Factions - Fun - Minecraft Bukkit Plugins - Curse

    Claims - Based on player amount. Deaths lower chunk number and will unclaim chunks if your current claims are less than your claimed chunks –> allows for raiding in the unclaimed territory. Also allows for decent amount of free building.

    Relations - Ally (Factions are friends, allows claim access), Truce (Friends but no claim access), Neutral (Can only be attacked outside of their claim, Enemy (Can be attacked anywhere)

    Permissions - Permissions can be handled by the faction leaders and provides for base protection based on what level the leader sets it.

    Simple Clans Overview:

    Claims - Uses Precious Stones(PreciousStones - Bukkit Seems pretty complex but very intriguing. Uses specific blocks to define zones - i.e. No PvP, No Griefing, etc... also includes land mines and other utility blocks. Also can protect your claim but even you can't build on it then. Decision needs to be made whether to build or protect.

    Relations - Ally, Neutral, Enemy

    Permissions - All handled by the leaders of the clan.

    Other Suggestions:

    World Borders - 1k/2k blocks in both directions will allow for a small battle arena that forces teams to encounter each other.

    Ore Spawn - Ore Spawn in the wasteland biomes could be turned down significantly (to almost nothing), forcing players to look for resources in the oasis.

    mcMMO - Brings more of an RPG feel to the whole thing.

    Classes Plugin(Heroes - Role Playing - Minecraft Bukkit Plugins - Curse or something like this) - Allows for you to choose a class (Gunner(Flans), Tinkerer(TiCon), Tech(RedstoneArsenal/MPS), etc..) and perhaps some special abilities (Fast Healing, Speed, etc...). Would force teams to diversify and work together to cover all angles.

    Edit - Added SimpleClans and tweaked Factions
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2015
  2. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    actually, you don't gain land form kills, you have a max of 10 land per person, and you gain land from them being online
  3. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    11:32 AM
    Ok, so after watching Tfox's video about this pack, i have learned a lot.
    Mainly this pack comes with a pre build map for a server.
    Knowing this... it changes how this pack should be played.

    About 30min mark he talks about the server version
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    In my opinion it is one possible way of many with any big strings attached to it.
    sk_ likes this.
  5. bountyman347

    bountyman347 New Member

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    Maybe we can get this idea kicked off on the new trident that just went up? I know it is already kinda but we need to start some pvp or else its just pointless. Just my 2 c
  6. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    I agree.

    We have so many PvP threads going right now.

    As for what would work with trident.

    1. Greif prevention that doesnt stop Access to chests and doors, only stops you from breaking blocks. Because Raiding and Griefing are two very differant things. Raiding is taking items, Griefing if destroying builds. Not sure if you can do this with Factions. But i know you can do it wit GP, More people want Factions. I guess it would need some testing. IMO Greif prevention is perfect. Allows people to make nice military style bases above ground that can get raided but not greifed

    2. Two worlds.
    Overworld: No ores, No explosions that break blocks, Grief prevention as stated above. PvP enabled even on claims
    War/farm world: Explosions on, Ores spawn, No protection.... expanding border that starts rather small, this way its a real fight to set up. war world only resets when the map is really destroyed. and resources are really scarce.

    3. Nerf power armor Speed and jump boost, as well as the Power tool(would just disable this)

    4. NO /tpa, NO /home... only command would be /sethome and thats your spawn point when you die. also access to /spawn which is the only "safe" zone, meaning no PvP there

    5. No Ender quarries, NO laser mining drills or any type of Auto mining. This way people must manually acquire their resources. Makes the resource world populated with miners that have to protect themselves

    6. NO radar, test any mini map that has it and find a way to disable it on the server.

    There are many more things but all needs to be discussed by players.
    Last edited: May 21, 2015
  7. jackripper0987

    jackripper0987 New Member

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    What if there was a rule that for raiding there must be atleast 4 other people on said team, and your raiding party cannot amount to 1.5x theirs?

    With smaller amounts of factions the risk of death would be higher with some protection so you have a fighting chance

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