According to jadecat changelog it says she is going to add mystcraft! Is it possible for tier 5 donators to get 1 world each in ag2?
Mystcraft worlds sounds incredibly cheap... My guess is that if Jadedcat is adding it, she's also forcing every last world to have Void as part of it's page symbols.
Like why I want this is to make a world with permanent daylight and some nice color on the sky/sun/clouds etc
You can use /ptime <Time> as a T5 to set the visual time perspective to day. It basically does the same thing that a day age does.
i would believe the answer to your question would be no why? because myscraft terrain generation or any terrain genereation demolishes tps upon being loaded, no matter what it's loadin. the only reason this was possible on monster was that there was a hub server using bungeecord that would help with this specific case to make a server just for this
In my experience, Mystcraft ages that have permanent daylight actually have sunlight shining down, burning undead and preventing their spawns unless you're underground... I would think it would let solar panels work too.
Mystcraft just shows the perspective of daylight 24/7. But in the background it is actually cycling between the day and night.