Hey everyone, unfortunately we have it a currently non solve-able issue on regrowth. Here is a quick explanation: TileEntity e.g. buildcraft pipe interacting with a neighbor chunk neighbor chunk gets loaded chunk load initiates mekanism energy net recalculation of this chunk <- this takes a very very long time and causes those lag spikes We are in a bad spot with this issue. can't update mekanism due to recipe changes (doesn't work with newer version) no alternative energy cables/conduits essential to the game
that is what is causing it. (the buildcraft pipe was just an example of a tileEnt which initiates neighbor chunk load)
Hmm. After playing the pack, IMO power generation isn't the most important thing. One option would be to change the passive energy produced by the heat generator to something really high and just hook up machines straight to those generators.
I know this won't solve the problem but would FastCraft help a little bit for the server? I currently have it installed for my client so I can have decent frames if I decide to roam outside my base. WTB Thermal Expansion.
Is there anything as players we can do to help reduce lag? Such as not having pipes cross chunk boundaries.
there are too many tile ents which do neighbor chunk loads as that it could be solved unless building everything in one chunk..
Actually even that is not enough, a lot of them will load the neighbor chunk to look for a cnnection even if there is no connectable element over there (how should it know). So you'd actually have to spare the blocks directly adjacent to the chunk border too.
would it be possible to remove it from the mod and add a different pipe that works in the same way just doesn't mess anything up?
we want to stay official launcher compatible, else we would add another mod like ender io and only enable the conduits with mekanism recipes
nope. the only solution I could think of would be to live without mekanism cables until modTweaker updates and then the modpack includes this update.