forums layout/color

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by RomaDaddy, May 16, 2015.


Some color suggestions, pick as many as you would like to see.

  1. Black,Grey,Yellow

  2. Navy Blue,Grey,Tan

  3. Brick red,Brown,Tan

    0 vote(s)
  4. Royal Purple,Dark Green, Grey/silver

  5. More than just color, ( nice bakground image with a matching color scheme)

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    12:59 AM
    I wanted to make a post about this for a while but I was not sure if it was a big enough of a thing to try ^_^
    is there any chance that we could get a few more forum layout skins? such as maybe a grey/black theme one or some sort of darker color other than white on a little less white?

    I will attach a poll to this post with a few site color scheme ideas for people to vote on to help see where we sit on how many people are like me and feel that the solid white site is hard on the eyes.

    On a more staff related note, is there a way to separate the new posts from things like say ban reports. By this I mean can it be set up so that staff related things that are "new posts" show up in a separated tab next to the current new posts tab? (ex. New Posts(staff) or {S}New Posts. I know this does not effect the normal every day player like the site skins would, but it would help to de-clutter things a bit for staff ^_^
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    6:59 AM
    you can watch threads and forums.
  3. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    12:59 AM
    its not exactly what I mean, I am thinking more to have staff related things not show up in the "New posts" tab. The main reason is ban reports or applications. I log in each morning with over 100(normally some times its less) unread posts, a lot seem to be either ban reports or staff applications. If there was a way to make it so I could click for new posts and only see player posts on one tab and staff posts on the other it would help me to sort and de-clutter as I try and check the forums for issues.
    The easy route I could see is instead of the staff section being mixed in with all the forums, place it in its own tab next to the forums tab and showcase tab.

    If its not some thing that can be done then don't worry about it, I will just deal with it all and sort things each morning ^_^.
  4. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    5:59 AM
    I agree with Roma, one of the first things I do when I check the forum after reading unread conversations and notifications is click on the "new posts" link at the top of the page so I can quickly see at a glance all the most recent unread posts, however there are certain posts like ban reports and staff applications that I don't necessarily need to read so I think it would be good if they could be excluded from the new posts page.

    Also as was pointed out in #staff earlier, there are posts in the hidden sections that moderators don't have access to like the private complaints section that count towards the new posts number even though when we click the link we then find that there are actually no unread posts (that we have access to) so again if it is possible to exclude posts in those sections from the counter then I think they should be.
  5. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    6:59 AM
    use "mark forums read" to fix this one.

    the unread count is meant to be global and not configurable, therefor there is no way to change that. I think the best approach would be to ignore it and see how far you can get with the other features. If not far enough, or if you think of something that would be great we can see if there is an addon for this.

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