Implemented Banned problem on horizons

Discussion in 'Horizons' started by CmdPepper, Apr 12, 2014.

  1. CmdPepper

    CmdPepper Member

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    so i removed an enderthermic pump from nether and i got banned, i understaind that is in the rules but i cant enter agrarian cuz of it, and i cant play in other server cuz of that.

    PS: i dont agree with that rule cuz i can place an block and if someone breaks it or move it shall be banned because i placed it -.-'
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    You accepted the rules so you agreed to them. Our bans are global as you noticed, there is and will be nothing that changes this.[DOUBLEPOST=1397333157,1397333066][/DOUBLEPOST]
    what do you mean with that?
  3. CmdPepper

    CmdPepper Member

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    that i can make an house without claim with chest's and if someone steal/grief it shall be banned
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    please look up the definition of "grief" and read the rules again with full attention
  5. CmdPepper

    CmdPepper Member

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    so why dont u activate grief prevention on nether?

    Now you are getting to the thing i'm thinking i can be banned but if there's an plugin to keep stuff safe it should be used to other worlds besides overworld (like farmland/nether)[DOUBLEPOST=1397333778,1397333512][/DOUBLEPOST]if there's an plugin to protect why cant we break something that is not protected, just because someone placed it doesnt mean that we cant break it, cause it's unprotected.

    i understaid that someone did placed it
    but it's not protected by the plugin suposed to do that
  6. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    We had more than one case where players started to build in farmworlds which we reset with only very short announcements. We don't want massive machines next to chunkloadern (ender thermic pump = 24h chunkloader with no costs), if you don't read the rules, we think you don't really care about the server and we aim for a different type of player.

    If the pump would have been protected the ban would be at least a week, so we only give short breaks if you break unprotected stuff as we need to do to something if rules get broken and players need to understand it. What are rules without any punishment if you break them.
  7. CmdPepper

    CmdPepper Member

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    the thing is that doesnt escuse the fact that u dont activate protection to the nether, i dont want to remove my ban cuz i understaind it but at least try to understaind me and activate the plugin, the amout of warning time to reset's are not the problem but the protection iz, i think that u need to activate it but ok.

    at least try to make single server bans in the multiserver plugin so other players that had the same problem play in other servers.

    thank you for your time
  8. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    sorry, I have my idea of server and I don't go away from it that easy. We run like this for a very long time and it worked great. Yes there are some players which don't read the rules carefully or understand them different as they are not aware of the definition of grief but this isn't the problem of the rules as if you are not sure about something you should inform your self. However if you would steal from an unprotected chest in the main world or kill mobs which are inside a fenced area built by a player, it is still griefing and would result in a ban if detected/reported. In a wide view running around with xray and getting all rare resources and selling stuff for a very low price.. is also griefing as it ruins the game experience of others.
    We are very strict about our rules but that is what we are and we got very less strict since our ultimate server.

    No offense, but I don't say that you need to see it the same way as we do but if you don't accept it I would recommend to look for another server which suits your need better, for your own sake as it is unlikely that there will be fast changes on this topic.

    I hope I made that clear in friendly and acceptable tone.
  9. CmdPepper

    CmdPepper Member

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    i do understaind it, i would like to play in agrarian in this case but because of the "global" ban see ya in 22h or so.

    if u need somekind of help programming just say something i'm in the teamspeak
  10. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    I totally understand this but I stick to our rules and don't make exceptions. I hope you find something that lets you bridge these 22h very fast. :)
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    chugga_fan likes this.

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