Hi , i would like to know whos base it is at cooridinates which i can send later on. I just want to know whos base it is so i can talk to that person if it si not playing if i can take the island. That base is small and is almost nothing there. But still i am not allow to be given that name bcs of somethig that it would be abuse of staff power to have a look at a chest whos it is and givimg me the name so i can talk to that person and a have a chat with him or her. thank you. Have a nice day Fousicek
Is it claimed? if so try breaking a block in it and it will show who's base it is, or opening a container cant remember I believe there is a few weeks that the player has to be offline before they can take down that claim. If you want to talk to him the best thing I can say that will be certain to see is making a large arrow out of blocks and adding signs of your welcome message thing or whatever
yeah but i dont know the name of that person, so i asked a mod if he can give me a name of that person so i can talk to that person but he refused telling me that it would be abusing the moderator powers just for that. So thats why i posted this here. :-D
The moderator would be correct in not giving you that information. You are not required to know the owner of he base. If you would like to live In that location, the best way to go about it is too create a ticket so that a fellow staff member can come investigate.
What? Why i am not allow to know owners base name ? What that protects ? If it is not PvP ? And i sad why i want to know his/her name. And it is not claimed. After this if i claim land and someone else comes he will know my name. So i dont see the point ? Or am i missing something ? Also if it was claim i would already contacted that person, so why i aske moderator for the name is so i can contact that person. Because i was unable to find the name of that person. Also why i am doing this is because a spent a lot of time traveling in boat to find some place i would like. And very often i found place where were only torches so i moove along. But now i would like to know if that person is even coming to play that modpack or even coming to MyM servers. Becuase if not that there is a island which is blocked by Nobody. If there is some1 i want to talk to him. I just dont get it.
In giving you the name of the player that lives there, we as staff then take the responsibility if you were to harass that player because you want to live there. If you could provide the coordinates of the base location, a @Moderator or @Co-Administrator can investigate to see how long that player has been offline. Please provide the time that the player hasn't been on for. Do not provide the name.
OK i get that, but still if i want to harras that player bcs i want o live there then there will be toooooooons of prooooof that i am harasing that player. And i would be banned. And another stupid player would be out of a game. But i am not doing anything like that as there was no indication that i ever did such thing on any server but yeah, Whatever. Base co ordinates x:3246 z:232.
I did not say that you would or was going too, t was just stating a potential outcome of what could happen.
I get it, but if that person is playing on other servers then he might not be goign back to regrowth so i would aks him if i can take that island. thats all and yeah ill fist wait for the answer from how long that person was not online.
As far as I am aware, when tickets are submitted to have a claim removed, the area will be regen'd so that other players can't take advantage of the inactive player's progress. Are you just wanting that region, or are you wanting to take over the "stuff" (you said there is no claim?)? If you're wanting to take over the "stuff", you will have to figure out who it is that owns it on your own, and no staff member will disclose that info to you. Otherwise just make a post to have the "stuff" removed and the area regen'd and you can then claim the area (if the player has been offline long enough). I will check to see who it belongs to and how long they have been offline and report back here. These kinds of inquiries belong in the ticket system, from my understanding, so please use that in future [DOUBLEPOST=1431961337,1431960561][/DOUBLEPOST]Wait, why is this even a question anyway? I just logged into the spawn and there is a sign that says "No claims. Greifing=OK. Stealing=OK. PVPing=OK." Just take the stuff if you want it? It's not against the rules on this particular server? Am I missing something?
Indeed....Logging into the other one right now [DOUBLEPOST=1431962668,1431961774][/DOUBLEPOST]Did you give me the wrong coordinates? I don't see anyone else showing up as doing anything at the coords you gave?[DOUBLEPOST=1431963600][/DOUBLEPOST]@Co-Administrator I cannot find results anywhere on the island belonging to another player within the past 2 weeks. The OP has requested that the area be regenerated.[DOUBLEPOST=1431965057][/DOUBLEPOST]Regeneration completed. You are welcome to move-in whenever you want