Implemented Twilight Forest comeback at Infinity?

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Qintsal, May 20, 2015.

  1. Qintsal

    Qintsal Well-Known Member

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    sadly the portal to Twilight Forest has deen disabled. Some players still can go there and have fun with Charm of alocation (or whatever its called). It´s pretty unfair :p

    Would love to go there again too, since its alot of fun. Maybe u could disable Runic Dungeons if that would help? Runic Dungeons doesnt work that good at Multiplayer anyway since the whole Key-System. Yes, im aware u can get lucky and get a key from voting but rly....forest would always be available.

    Ofc i have no idea if the problem with Twilight is about the mod or server capacity.

    Maybe you could tell us if there is a chance that twilight will come back soon...or give me the link if i did not see it :D
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Thea reason for it being removed was due to it requiring +150ms per tick with only 1-3 players. 150ms is a lot as 20 tps (lag free) only allow 50ms for everything, so alone the twilight, without anything else did already drop the tps/performance by more than half.
    We tried to figure out why it is such extreme on inf node 5 as 1-4 is just fine with about 5-15ms for the twilight, unfortunately we weren't able to find anything out. So it was decided to disable the twilight forest for the time being in order to avoid the server from being on 6 tps instead of 16.

    Me and probably also the other admins weren't aware of people bypassing the teleportation with charm of alocation and probably other teleportation content.

    This is definitely something we need to do something about.

    Tagging @SirWill as he spent the most time with it.
    chugga_fan likes this.
  3. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    a way to stop people from abusing the TP to the twi forest is to remove the dimension or change it's ID, ergo leading to a dimension unused by the teleportation things, they can no longer get there
  4. Qintsal

    Qintsal Well-Known Member

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    Wait.... its working fine at node 1-4 but it is still disabled there? Put it back on! :)

    Anyway, thanks for the fast answer :)
  5. Kalilak

    Kalilak Well-Known Member

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    You could also go to node 1-4 to get to the forest, since you can carry your inventory from server to server - or node to node.
  6. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    Node 5 doesn't share with other nodes. It's a bit greedy.
  7. Kalilak

    Kalilak Well-Known Member

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    Oh right, it's a standalone node. Sorry, totally forgot about that :/
  8. Qintsal

    Qintsal Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for accepting it. Cant wait to enter the twilight again! :)
  9. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Players can no longer move in the twilight now. Teleporting in to it is useless now.

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