Can we please get The GlobalMarket on DW20 updated so that the price doesn't lower for each item bought. There are things being sold for free on it due to it. I just looked to realize my diamonds were being sold for 9 MyMs. This really needs updated. There have been multiple people say this before as well.
If I place 10 diamonds in the market for 100 myms, and I got 100 diamonds all together In The market. After someone buys 10 the price will lower to 90 (for example) and will keep going down until my diamonds are getting sold for free or there are no more in the market. So yea they will lower automatically after each purchase
Exactly what Adrian said. That is the issue right now that many of us arent likeing. We want the items to stay at the listed price
There is also a problem with the market where players have different prices showing, also for example people want to buy from the market and players get the message that there is non in stock but some others can still buy them.
@Kiriot22 that could be because the seller doesnt have enough left in his market stock for you to buy.