Trying to complete the control your drawers quest which requires us to make 1 compacting drawer and 1 drawer controller. I can make the compacting drawers just fine, but when I go to click the drawer controller out of the crafting table I get the message that it is banned due to a dupe glitch. I don't mind that its a banned item, but can we at least craft it so we can complete the quest? Also did /banneditems and it isn't listed in the list.
Some items are banned but you actually can craft it, you can't place it. Are you trying to get it from crafting grid by shift+click? try to manually take it out from crafting with a mouse click and drag? Coz when you try to shift+click move it straight int your invetory, it will prompt ban info. It was like that with a few quests on AG1 or Regrowth, I belive. Hope it helps. Cheers
Drawer Controller - 1466 I have tried all of this, left clicking it out, right clicking it out, shift clicking it out...none works, just spams me with the it name and reason it is banned. Will not allow me to craft it at all. No offense chugga, but next time read my whole post. I don't have any issues with it being banned, but so far any items that are banned, that need to be crafted for a quest, can still be crafted. We just can't use those items. Not asking for an unban of the item. I also posted that it wasn't in the /banneditems list so that they could make sure it was added to it.
I'll check and see if this item still needs to be banned - allegedly fixed in 1.4.5, storage drawers on AS2 is 1.5.0