Implemented Need Mod Support

Discussion in 'Monster' started by orionbeta, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. orionbeta

    orionbeta Active Member

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    3:27 AM
    When a Mod/Admin is available I need some support to address an issue that I attempted to gain earlier support via the in game Ticket system, however to date nobody has responded to my inquiry.

    I was away on vacation for two weeks on the Monster 2 server, and upon my return a significant amount of my belongings in game had been stolen.

    If a moderator or admin could help me with this issue I would be appreciative.

    thank you,

  2. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    11:27 AM
    We need the location where something got stolen and what. Without that we would need hours to find it.
  3. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    10:27 AM
    His base is in the area formerly claimed by Mortenmkl on the side of the volcano near the top left of the world border (around -4100 -3000 though don't have exact coords), but when we moved over to M+ Morten' unclaimed the whole area and left signs telling people to claim their sub-areas quickly, but obviously if orion was away at the time he won't have done so...

    I'll tell Morten what a douche he is when he gets back from his fishing trip.

    Really sorry about this, but he doesn't think before he does stuff most of the time![DOUBLEPOST=1397602542,1397572327][/DOUBLEPOST]Okay, I just went and checked the prism logs for your chests, and wouldn't you know it, the thief was storm007man... the guy who I already issued a permaban to just yesterday for stealing from my friends DeanoooO26 and Uchiha_Hatake on his first day back after a 5 day ban issued by @cbrozak for stealing from Seariuz ....... unfortunately since he has stolen a lot of stuff from several people, working out what is rightfully yours is gonna be impossible...

    @SirWilli since he is already permabanned and thus won't be coming back, with your permission I would like to trust orionbeta, DeanoooO26 as well as Seariuz in storm007man's claim and let them split his stuff between them as compensation?
  4. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    5:27 AM
    I think this is fair, for the most part. That is until someone else finds that stuff they had were stolen from him as well.
  5. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    11:27 AM
    let a co-admin know to give all the players who got griefed from him trust on his claim and tell them to be fair and only take the stuff which belonged to them. (fair splitting.)
  6. Auonddon

    Auonddon Well-Known Member

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    6:27 AM
    I'm on it
    Slind likes this.
  7. orionbeta

    orionbeta Active Member

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    3:27 AM
    Thanks to everyone.

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