What does the MYM Community do for fun?

Discussion in 'Offtopic' started by ZzConradzZ, May 19, 2015.

  1. AlphaRue

    AlphaRue Egotistic Extremely Important Member

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    8:39 AM
    @Kalilak why C#? I havent seen any good methods of writing in this language and it is used significantly less widely than C++ or JavaScript which both have many good editors.
  2. Kalilak

    Kalilak Well-Known Member

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    Welp, I'm just starting to get into this, C++ is probably the next thing I'm going for :) I just heard that companies do like people who can use C# instead of ASP.net, but I have to say, right now I still lack in knowledge so I have to learn a lot hehe

    I found some interactive tutorials and explanations for Visual Studio and Unity (more used for game development), but I'm also thinking about to buy some books, yet I don't know which I should pick though. Yeah, I'm just starting, but I like it! :)
  3. jackripper0987

    jackripper0987 New Member

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    C# is derived from c++ and isnt much different than c++, typically c# is easier to learn and can be quicker to write than c++ due to a lot being built in which has to be made manual in c++
    Also it is more liked by companies due to it becoming the next evolution while having easy linux integration

    essentially for beginning you could learn either way, migrating from c++ to c# is easy so you could learn both if wanted (learn c++ first though)


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    I Usually play clash of clans or 1.8 minecraft and youtube. Also I go and play basketball outside very often and I take biker ides that's practically it :p
  5. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    7:39 AM
    Um... I play minecraft.
    CorPhome likes this.
  6. Medievalclown9

    Medievalclown9 Well-Known Member

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    Vape and go fishing
    CheshireLill likes this.
  7. ZzConradzZ

    ZzConradzZ The Purple Cat

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    What is vape? xD
  8. CheshireLill

    CheshireLill Well-Known Member

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    I vape as well Medieval. Do you mix your own or use store bought?
  9. ZzConradzZ

    ZzConradzZ The Purple Cat

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    Again, What is vape!?
  10. DizzyRonson

    DizzyRonson Well-Known Member

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    Vape is vaporizing some synthetic oil and such to simulate smoking.
    using what is known as a e-cig or vaporizer.
    This started as a way to help tobacco smokers quit smoking.
    But some ppl got the idea that they could continue with the vapour.
    It is also not regulated like normal smoking is and thus possible to do in some restaurants and bars.
    If the vapor itself is harmful to others by "passive" inhaling is up for debate, but it would depend on what oils the user puts in their vaporizer.

    All in all vaping is a reasonably new thing and it's catching on a little beyond the original target group.
    I vould not recommend any form of smoking. Due to the risk of inhaling oils and other fumes could be really harmful to the function of your lungs. "I know this from exp"
    And it is pretty expensive to..
    YourMCGeek and chugga_fan like this.
  11. YourMCGeek

    YourMCGeek Well-Known Member

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    I code java, and forge and then I read books.
  12. Medievalclown9

    Medievalclown9 Well-Known Member

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    I use store baught, I would love to learn to mix my own though
  13. CheshireLill

    CheshireLill Well-Known Member

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    My mom mixes mine and hers. I know how she's just got more stuff to do it.

    @DizzyRonson and not every "vape mix" is oil. Some are yes. There are no harmful chemicals in the exhale unlike cigs. I prefer my 6 or less ingredients vs 4000+ chemicals.
    Kalilak likes this.
  14. DizzyRonson

    DizzyRonson Well-Known Member

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    @CheshireLill i know not all mixes are oil:) been there done that:p
    but still. i have smoked vaporizer's and other smoking thingmajiggs for more than 15 years. (is trying to quit)
    and i can tell you with absolute certainty that inhaling vapours of anykind is not good for the breathing bags..
    im not saying that vaporizers are the most evil thing around. just that if you inhale chemicals you run a risk of lung damage.
    many if not most chemicals are not good for long term inhalation. also the vape mixes are many and of many diffrent qualitys
    and you should be really carefull with what you use..

    back to ontopic:)

    what i do for fun is making things. and play with
    micro mechanics
    general RC
    any combustion type engines
    hot rods
    pc building
    and any cross between the categorys:D

    today i made a bluetooth adapter for my stereo.
    so now i have wireless from the pad to the amp:)
    fun fun fun:D
    CheshireLill likes this.
  15. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    What kind of RC toys do you play with?

    My favorite is my SK Slow Hawk Ornithopter ( like this one )

    I get the most time on a vapor in the front yard. The neighborhood cats hunt the thing while its flying.

    Just noticed you said Pyrotechnics. Was int that too, I had a quart ball mill and ground and packed my own aerial shells. My favorite site of all time for the fun stuff is United Nuclear .
    Best part of the site is the backstory behind the owner Bob Lazar.
    He claimed to have worked on UFO's for the government and currently have government contracts selling scientific equipment.
    Last edited: May 31, 2015
  16. DizzyRonson

    DizzyRonson Well-Known Member

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    My rc toys atm is one t-rex 450 electric helicopter and one mustang p51d nitro airplane.
    my rc cars are one extremely modified nutech tb2 1:5 scale, full aluminium with steel rollcage and fiberglass vw bug body and 30.5cc race ported engine.

    two losi 5ive 1:5scale also with race ported 30.5cc's and one even have electric start.
    and a team accociated sc-8 1:8 scale with a mamba monster 2250kv motor, it does 90km/h atm.
    and one lil 1:18 scale team accociated sc-18 with carbon race chassi running with 6500kv motor and it does 70km/h..

    for pyro i mostly play with flash powder packed in 1-2" pvc pipes, you know.. for them BIG booms:D
    and i really like to make some big shells for new years eve. lotsa boom and sparks:D
    i dont have anywhere special to go test my pyro off season so its mostly around new years i get into it:)
  17. tonalom

    tonalom Well-Known Member

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    I do airgun shooting... A LOT I recently came in second place duei g the norwegian national championship and our team won the team trophy. Therefore I can say I am the second best in Norway and part of the best team ;)

    Outside airgun I do a lot of football and reading.
  18. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    I see an ever expanding pattern here. Those with money do things, those with out do not... everything listed is go big or stay home lol
  19. DizzyRonson

    DizzyRonson Well-Known Member

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    Woodworking, blacksmithing and electronics don't have to be expensive.
    All the materials you need can be found at the scrapyard or by dumpster diving.
    For blacksmithing you only need a hard flat surface and a hammer. Then a fire in a hole and you are making knives and such in a hurry:D then sell a knife or two and you can get a shiny new part for another toy:D
    get some wood and make a nice box you can put your new shiny toy in.
    Then you hack a old cd-rom and a calculator and you have a laser security lock on your toy box:D

    Also grats on the airgun championship tonalom:D
  20. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    Good quality RC toys can be had at a fraction of "the big boys" cost at Hobby King.
    The airplane I get the most time on is a Vapor, not too expensive and I can fly it in my front yard.

    Usually there is a way to get into any hobby at a lower than retail cost. With RC I would suggest buying a vapor first to get flying down. Its hard to break it crashing it. I am going to get the FPV version of it soon, that is a little pricy.

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