You need a lot of mob drops for witchery and it's so hard to find ghast and creepers and when you do you have a very little chance of getting a creeper heart or a ghast tear. [and ended pearls but don't get me started on not being able to use the other where infusion] it makes witchery also most impossible. I was wonder if you could turn up the spawn rates. I live under an ocean and have never seen a squid. Once!
Do squids spawn in ocean's or only at places with a low water depth? The spawn rate is so low in order to improve the performance/lag. If we turn it up, the performance will go down.
I get that but it just makes getting witchery items so hard. I have only seen one enderman when play and he tp away with half a heart... And the reuseable net is one ghast tear and four ender pearls. I get that if you did turn up the spawn rates it would effect the server but you could also turn down the spawn rates a little [so you never see a ghast. Maybe make them 75%] for normal mobs that don't really need to be there. Like zombie pig mans in the nether. [or is there no config for every mob?] if you could do that, that would be awesome. If you can't because server lag I get that.
do you perfer tps being 5 or tps being 20? this is how big the diffrence actually was on DW20 and TDT to have the, add that plugin
I agree mobs are hard to find but not impossible. What I always do when i have a fresh start on any modpack. Never start with magic mods. Why? They are all fun and have they uses which we are playing for. Magic mods require a lot of materials that are hard to obtain you just started on the server. I always start with more technical mods to get myself to the stage where I can autospawn every mob that I could possibly need the drops from. B-Team has MFR, use them. I know its a bit expensive but try getting your first 2 safary nets. Capture a Ghast and Enderman. Now you can make more safari nets. I wish you all the luck with mobs and I hope this helped you. If not then... At least you know how I solve my problem with mobdrops.
If you need squids I would reccomend you going to the farmworld because many squids spawn in the farmworld! Maybe when you are more advanced and you are able to make a reusable safari net, catch one and put it in a auto spawner. (Don't forget the water!) Another idea could be to find a villager and catch that into a safari net and put it in a auto-spawner. There is a type of villager that has blue stripes on the sides of his lab coat. He sells Safari Nets for you! You could make a non reusable one catch a villager, place it down and gather up the resources. Good Luck!!! -iAqua
If the spawn rate was increased in the farmworld where chunks are less loaded and decreased in the main world, it would help the players and the server. Im not sure if this is possible or if it is already implemented.
If you can find one.... you can have many. Use the mod MFR. Mainly safari nets and auto spawners. Then the rates don't effect you.
The more mobs there are the money will be invested in the server I suggest going to the farm world to find mobs
I think they should atleast increase it more at farm world . I know its already big but a little more couldnt do bad...
I just checked the config and I noticed we don't even have EntityControl on B-Team and the aPerf settings are at 16 monsters and 16 animals per chunk. That is plenty.