I think this would be a cool add personally, especially to the servers that this wouldn't break progression on - I think generally the only servers this WOULD break progression on would be - Agrarian Skies, Agrarian Skies 2, Sky Factory 2. Other than that, I don't see any downside to such vote being added, although I'm fairly certain this would have to be a custom made plugin, to add such vote. (My opinion)
FYI you CAN turn the rain OFF on any server that has bees by using a dissipation charge on a rainmaker.. thats why the iodine charge (the counterpart that makes it start raining) is banned and not the rainmaker itself.
Having a sign (much like the removing thaumcraft warp sign) that users could pay to turn off rain at some server spawns would be nice.
No, I think the voting idea would be better as anyone can pay. But if the server does majority vote, on servers such as infinity, there are 28 people that can be on at a time. This mean at the least 14 people have to upvote the turning off of the rain.
I personally don't know why people have against the rain. It's a game mechanic, like the day/night cycle. I just accept the situation as it is.
Unfortunately those with lower end computers it does cause a bit of lag. And they might not be willing to install Optifine.
Can't rain be turned of in the video options part of the menu? (particles of or something) And you can even turn off the rain sound. As said before: mods add stuff to stop the rain. What's the next thing? A command to get a stack of diamonds and 3 stacks of iron? It seems to me that a rain command would once more prove how lazy we can be.
Id say that this is a very bad idea, sometimes people need rain sometimes they need it to not be raining and because there can be many people on the servers at one time there are going to be some who want rain on and some who want it off. Because of this, allowing a player to manipulate the weather affects other people on the server. Even just allowing players to turn off the rain is really unfair on those trying to do something that needs rain, why should even one player who has waited patiently for it to start raining have to suffer because another player decided they just don't want it to rain. Its a game mechanic, deal with it. If YOU don't like it, or YOUR computer lags because of rain, then do something about it on YOUR end, install something like optifine that allows you to turn off the rain, don't inconvenience other people for something you can easily sort out yourself or just learn to live with.
Some of the mym servers don't even need rain for anything like pixelmon so why not just add it to servers that want it and keep out the ones that don't want it. Also some people dont want to install optifine because they dont like it and its not their fault if their computer lags, the game requires a bunch of processing speed.
To be honest, if people who dont like the rain and dont want to install optifine or something like that, then its their problem, theres no point making it other peoples problem when there are solutions for it.
If you want disable the Rain, deppending on Server you are playing you can make a Rain Muffer, or install Optifine and disable the weather.
A rain muffler is not available on all servers and some people don't want to install optifine because they don't like it... that was the point of this suggestion.
In the past i would have said optifine was not an option.... But recently i have been testing it, i have found it to be a good choice for a performance boost. If you add optifine you can turn weather off.