Departed - Bomb Carrier - Disable Request.

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by mynameisAK, Jun 3, 2015.

  1. mynameisAK

    mynameisAK Walking Modded-MC Wikipedia.

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    12:21 PM
    This is the third time this hostile mob has messed me over, spawns in low light levels (6 or below) and places TNT every 8 seconds where it is. It has ruined my base 3 times with little to no way to defend against it without placing arcane lamps every 8 blocks.

    1/3 of our storage was blown to pieces - about 12 diamond chests (most of which filled and were soon to be sorted into barrels and sorted chests) blown to pieces; and then, just because AoA/Nevermind hates everybody, blew up everything that dropped. Creepers are passive mobs in comparison to this... Well, if I put the words there I wanted I would probably get banned.

    And for a server with no griefing, I see this guy being looked over and players being wrongly blamed for the damage...

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  2. knoxz

    knoxz Well-Known Member

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    1:21 PM
    kill it quick and carry a bucket of water. :p

    Its a feature...
    Lawmonark likes this.
  3. TheDrunkSquirrel

    TheDrunkSquirrel Well-Known Member

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    5:21 AM
    Please ban the NPC bomb carrier. The things you can do with a bomb carrier to someone's base and not get in trouble is pretty bad. So imo if you want to avoid arguments or fights and drama in the future I would disable him.

    No I am not saying I will do that because I would not, but I can see some child figuring out what it does and using it to his advantage.[DOUBLEPOST=1433374425][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Also Knox by the time you know he is behind you, he has laid 5 TNT, laughed and pointed at you.

    He has a rare chance of spawning but when he does he spawns behind someone, and starts chaos.
  4. matijase

    matijase Well-Known Member

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    Kill it with fire before it.... oh you get it... :D
  5. TheDrunkSquirrel

    TheDrunkSquirrel Well-Known Member

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    5:21 AM
    Mati did that npc ever pay your town a visit? If not you got lucky with all those people lol
  6. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    1:21 PM
    I love these little guys.
    Use water to stop the explosions.
  7. TheDrunkSquirrel

    TheDrunkSquirrel Well-Known Member

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    5:21 AM
    Again back to what I was saying they appear behind you before you know they are there before its to late.
  8. EvilScotsman

    EvilScotsman Well-Known Member

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    12:21 PM
    I don't think I could act nearly fast enough to cover all the tnt in water before it blows, especially if it's an uneven surface. I'd support banning this mob.
  9. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    If one appears behind me, it would be chaos. I never have a bucket of water, and with inventory space so limited I wont be carrying one either.

    It would be unfair if it were to happen while I was anywhere but my own place. I would be in favor of either removing his ability to damage the environment, or removing him.

    I think leaving it the way it is currently is asking for more trouble.
  10. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    You realize you can negate this issue on a couple ways:

    • Alot of light
    • vanilla carpets
    • slab floors and roofs
    So your basically saying the mod is hard, and we should turn off this mob so it is easier for you? Sorry if that comes off harsh, but so far that is what I am seeing as reasons for disabling this.
    Lawmonark likes this.
  11. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    I saw it as a way to have damage happen to other peoples stuff by accident, I could care less if it happened to me.

    I run around alot, and if it happened when I was at someone else's place then they would loose stuff due to no actions of their own and think someone greifed them.

    I light up everything well except for the oreberry room. so minimal chances of it actually affecting my stuff.
  12. TheDrunkSquirrel

    TheDrunkSquirrel Well-Known Member

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    5:21 AM
    Same as decnav. Its not about making it easier. Its about it griefing other peoples things.
  13. mine_killer14

    mine_killer14 New Member

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    10:21 PM
    What is the difference between a player placing a bunch of tnt and laughing in a PvP world, and a Mob doing the same thing?

    We as a community voted against an anarchy server were a player could come along and blow your base up, because that was not the playing experience we wanted for this community. This mob provides the same experince for the affected player as an anarchy server would. yes in both cases you can set up some defenses that would be partially effective. but none of use want to live in obsidian and water lined walls.

    We should disable this mob (or his greifing capacity) so that more creative base designs can flourish than anti-raid houses.
  14. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    1:21 PM
    The big difference here is its a mob doing the exploding... not the player.
    It is part of the mod.
    From your theory we should ban/disable creepers? and any other mob that can destroy a block?

    Its true, players dont want to be griefed by another player, But trying to "nerf" the difficultly of a mob is just stupid.

    If the server starts disabling and banning items/mobs that do this.... you would lose a lot. Shall i make a list?
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  15. mynameisAK

    mynameisAK Walking Modded-MC Wikipedia.

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    12:21 PM
    People don't want all their items destroyed in 64 seconds flat. We don't care whether its a mob or if its a player.

    You go afk for a bit, that mob spawns and what happens, you have to completely restart?

    This mob is completely alike others, it does not need to aggro to begin ruining your base. All other mobs breaking blocks do (bar Endermen, but they take one full block, no chests and what not, and rarely at that). It also causes so much more devastation than literally anything else in the entire modpack.

    "The Bomb Carrier is the only mob in Nevermine that creates block damaging explosions, and does so even without provocation." A creeper exploding, that is the players fault. This guy completely destroying everything you've worked on? Nothing about fault or skill, its just "bad luck".

    I for one don't want to have to base my entire works future on luck that this mob doesn't spawn.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2015
    DemonicFury likes this.
  16. mine_killer14

    mine_killer14 New Member

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    10:21 PM
    regardless of who did it the end result it the same, a negative playing experience.

    You seem to defend the mob, have u had experience with it? if you have, did it make the game better or worse for you? yes sometimes frustration is part of the game, i have lost everything on my person a few times on this pack, but those are just items. some people here take pride in the house they build with time and effort. its fine if you live in a cobble house with minimal effort, but having 3 days worth of work go up in 1-10 seconds from something that is unpredictable, not easily prepared for, and does damage immediately, is in no shape or form, fun.
    its not the loss of items but the time that is lost that makes this mob not worth existing.

    You said that you dont want to be grieved by a player, but u failed to mention the difference between grief by player, and grief by mobs. How do you accept that one is a bannable offense, and claim the other is acceptable?
    DemonicFury likes this.
  17. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    The difference is that one is a player, and one is part of the modpack

    Maybe you should design your area in a way that the mob does not spawn while you afk?

    One is a ban-able offense because one is done by a player, and the other is a mechanic of the pack.

    What you all fail to realize is that you are all having a problem with this mob and blaming the mob/pack/luck... When in reality it is YOUR fault if it destroys your things.

    As per the Advent of Ascension wiki:
    Many of you have quoted the wiki, and left out this important piece of information.
    • Hostile mob that can spawn rarely in all biomes
    • Bomb Carriers can only spawn in low light levels.
    I fail to see how if you design your base to be fully lighted, how this mob can spawn so often in your base as to cause problems? Don't want the mob to spawn inside your base? Follow these steps:
    • Carpets! Mobs will NOT spawn on VANILLA MINECRAFT carpets. Want your house dark? carpet the floors!
    • Light! This mob can ONLY SPAWN IN LOW LIGHT LEVELS. Hm... If only we had a device in MineCraft that could raise the light level? Some magical device you can easily acquire the resources to craft that will raise the light level....

    Once again, the fact that this mob is destroying your things, is SOLEY the fact that you let it spawn. Why should we modify the experience of the pack, as designed by the modpack creator and the Mod Author, just because you don't like it? The mob is dangerous, yet also very simple to prohibit.

    Once again, I do not support the idea of removing this experience of the pack.

    Really? You die and so you want the pack made easier? why not disable hunger so you don't starve? how about playing in peaceful so we don't have to deal with mobs at all? This pack is hard, and if you find it to hard, we have many easier packs that I invite you to try such as Infinity or DW20.
    Lawmonark likes this.
  18. mynameisAK

    mynameisAK Walking Modded-MC Wikipedia.

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    12:21 PM
    So we are removing the experience of Minecraft on almost every other MyM server by disabling creeper explosions?

    We voted against allowing people to destroy our bases, why should we not vote against allowing a mob do the same. And forcing us to have light absolutely everywhere forces us to be less creative.

    "Really? You die and so you want the pack made easier? why not disable hunger so you don't starve? how about playing in peaceful so we don't have to deal with mobs at all? This pack is hard, and if you find it to hard, we have many easier packs that I invite you to try such as Infinity or DW20."

    We do not care about dying, nothing here is about our death.
    Decnav and EvilScotsman like this.
  19. Dre4M

    Dre4M New Member

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    2:21 PM
    I would agree that this mob would be disabled, unless it drops something that everyone needs or it's part of some kind of progress.
    Decnav likes this.
  20. mynameisAK

    mynameisAK Walking Modded-MC Wikipedia.

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    Local Time:
    12:21 PM
    TNT and a hunters rifle - both not needed. Hunters rifle is bad as well

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