Someone care to enable hungry nodes on ag 2? They are disabled on the server. B:hard_mode_nodes=false this must be set to true for the hungry nodes to eat up items. no point in keeping them otherwise because they dont build up vis :-(
wait why would you need a poll its a standard option on like every other thaumcraft server there is right now. A poll is needed if there is a disadvantage for someone if the option is changed. There is none.
why would she? Its a standard thaumcraft thing to feed a hungry node to some size before tapping it for vis.
Ag Skies 2 Discussion thread: Not for bugs. - Agrarian Skies 2 - Jaded's Packs - CurseForge Minecraft Forums - Minecraft CurseForge Enabled with the next restart, but if jaded says its breaking her pack, we might undo it.
As slind wanted a lil demonstration of the hungry nodes powers, I'll just go through and explain energizing hungry nodes, and why jaded might see them as OP. Spoiler: Energized nodes An energized node inverts the natural state of a node. Instead of a "high" inventory of vis, and a low regeneration, an energized node has a very small inventory of vis, and a very high regeneration, which can be used as a never-ending, if slow, source of vis. The size of the energized node is based on the size of the nodes previus amount of vis. The ratio is 1% of the squareroot of the original vis amount, per tick. This means that a node with an extreme amount of vis will output higher amounts of vis/t after becoming energized, however, energized output requires an exponential increase in vis stored in the node prior to becoming energized. A hungry node can thus be fed, be allowed to grow bigger, and when sufficiently large, be energized, and then have a higher output than any node in the wild, but never running out of vis. As an example, a node with 1000 vis of each primal aspect will output 0.31 vis per tick, but that also means 6.32 vis per second To output 100 vis/second, you would require a node with 250,000 vis... Code: 100/20 = 5 (we convert Vis/s to Vis/t) 5*100 = 500 (The node makes centi-vis. It throws away 99% of the squareroot) 500^2 = 250,000 To calculate the amount a node will output after becoming energized, use this (warning, calculate each aspect by itself): √[vis] = x (the process starts by calculating the squareroot) x/100 = y (the process of energizing destroys 99% of the stored vis) y*20 = z (we were counting vis/tick. We now turn that into vis/second) z = amount of vis your energized node will produce
They are soooo strong, its why everyone want one. Its like a "god" level item. I know i want one on TDT
you cant grief with hungry nodes on mym. problem solved. she says nothing about she dont want them to exists and grow.