Hey, i thought that the first top 20 players should get a gift in game for playing on the server for the most time. vote below
the admin's don't need it, and my universal team hits endgame in the first month, i don't think we need any boost (btw i'm counting playtime before the playtime reset due to the glitch here)
i say yeh because it will get the server more players. thats what i think as it will make players think they want the items so they would play more!
the only people that really count in this are the founds and administraitors (not tagging in this case because you guys will def read this ;P)
I disagree. It's only going to be donors that have anti afk, making this a one sided contest. I can think of other ways to show value to players and bring everyone in on it. I've proposed mini contests running before =)
I see good and bad to both sides of the idea. It would have to be most playtime for a given week or month.. overall playtime would be the same players sitting at the top 20 with the change of maybe 1 or 2 people, and as Lucid pointed out; any donor with Anti-Afk is going to have a lot of "playtime". A good side to this idea is the fact that it would give players a mini-goal (#nolifeswag) to go for. Looking forward to seeing other opinions also
You get titles from it, which is enough. Since mym allready gives you so many freebies (votes, claimblocks, donatorkits). Theres a limit on freebies that the servers can handle before all turning into bteam servers. Maybe something more abstract, like, a forum title could be done.
If there were to be any in-game gift for players with super high ontime it should given automatically when players reach the rank of Titan and it should be a clock renamed to "Hours well spent!" and nbt edited to have the tooltip "Congratulations, you have spent over one thousand hours of your life on our servers, you should feel very proud of this achievement, go you!"
I'm with chugga on this one (never thought I'd say that lol). The players with the highest on time are generally going to be farther than those with a shorter on time. That means that the players who have the highest play time wouldn't need the gift since they presumably have the infrastructure to get the gift themselves. Unless it's some super endgame item, it would be somewhat pointless and end game items are generally a big no-no. My suggestion would be something like chaos is suggesting. An item that players can't normally get that has no in game value but can be shown off as a badge or something of the like.
Instead of top Ontime, I would much rather see top voters. With ontime people can AFK or have been here for almost 2 years. With voting its who is currently playing and voting for the server. But even that is not needed since your already getting items and MyMs from voting. Why not just be thankful you have a "free" server to play on for all that time. Is having a good server not a Gift in itself? This has been brought up in the past. The Staff has there hands full with other pressing matters. If anything like this is to come, it may be a while.