Its an older version of thraumcraft...goggle for thraumcraft for minecraft 1.6.4. Just make an research table, combine all aspects, scan all you can and "research" in your thraumnomicon.... The first verion of thraumcraft was even worst...
dude, this is the same version as the new, LOL so... easy mode is just on, but the things you said do apply
Im speaking on behalf of my friend and he just said "Its not letting me research from the thauminomicon"
how can it be the same version when reseach is complettly diffrent? @kanjiboi, guess he doesnt have all the aspects for the research?
i don't have TS, i'm coming now[DOUBLEPOST=1434392347][/DOUBLEPOST] go to your minecraft game, go to configs, go to the TC4 configs, look at what mode it's uusally on, which is "normal", hard is everything is the minigame, and easy is where it's all insta-buy research, (which is sometimes actually more expensive)
IGN plz, or are you not online atm? if your IGN is diffrent go to the gear in the top right corner and click "update username", thanks
OH, i'm sorry, i thought it was AS2, this won't help, i don't want to go to AS1 :/ well, just make a thuamometer, rclick blocks until you finish scanning, and it'll be done, after, combine to get more aspects, then in the thaumonomicon click the research things you want, done
ah ok chugga... but it is still a diffrent version there are a few aspects that arent in the newst version and other are missing...but i get your point now kanjiboi, as i said just combine the aspects when you run out scan everything you can, at best nodes. as soon as you have every aspect unlocked you can scan almost everything...then you get lots of aspect point and buying researchs is not problem...i just started thraumcraft on AS+ and its pretty easy....of course i did research with goggle first SPOILER: List of Aspects (Thaumcraft 4.1) - Feed The Beast Wiki took about 5mins to get all spects unlocked.... *rolleyes*