Hi, i have a few questions. Are Chunk Loaders allowed on AS? Are there no kits for AS available? When i first wrote /kit it did say "must visit the nether first". I did and now it says "Kit:Questbook"...?! When i selected the island it said block island only for tier4 but when i look at what i get for rank it says rank3...one of the both isnt right ^^ And since today i have a huge problem with my cobblegens and ae system. First my Computer suddenly ran out of energy, it only started working again after i replaced all conduits. Now i cant craft with it for some reason... i guess i have to replace all ME Cable...annoying. But the cobblegens always stop working. They worked for several days but now they always stop working because no cobble is generated. It looks like the lava doesnt flow? guess i´ll replace the lava? Something is wrong at my island since today EDIT: As guessed replacing everything worked...all cables, all import/export bus and all lava/water... know bug? or am i just stupid and did something wrong?
Chicke Chunk loaders yes No there are no kits in Agrarian Skies. Where does it say that, can you post an screenshot?
I couldnt choose the cubeworld but i´m rank3...something is wrong there. maybe just my rank at AS+? Btw in another thread i´ve read that AS is next for update...wondering if it will be purged too. would be really annyoing if AS+ will disapper and i spend more time there.... would really love to see a warning more then 2 days ahead.... when i can go back online ill try igneous, thanks for the hind