Soooo, I'm probably missing something obvious here, but I've just downloaded AS+ for the second time on the MyM launcher, because "I" borked up the first time. Edit: Before you ask, yes I did a complete delete of the modpack before reinstalling. I notice in the console that there's a bunch of ID overwriting, and NEI confirms to me that cyanite buckets are the 'new' industrial diamond (BigReactors overwriting IC2), the first time I tried to solve this with a clientside automatic conflict fixer (because I didn't want to manually fix it all), but that just ended up screwing the minetweaker scripts. Am I missing some custom MyM configs? or is there something wrong with the download? Any help would be welcome, playing with non-existing items isn't 'fun'.
Tbh i would not worry what console tells you , if you can get on and play the game just play it. Many things from console give you warnings and errors but 99% of the time its nothing to worry about....Just play But if you have messed with the files from the mod pack i would delete the whole folder and then re-download the mod pack.
It's not just the console, trying to craft a Dev\Null gives me a gendustry item, when I look in NEI it actually says that a cyanite bucket is oredictionairy gemDiamond, etc... I can play the beginning of the game, since there's no conflicts that overwrite ExNihilo or vanilla minecraft (well, duh, that would be a badly written mod) As for your suggestion to delete the whole folder, that I did, unless the 'delete pack' option in the launcher that clearly states that everything gets deleted doesn't really delete everything. (And the problem persisted) and just some additional info, I've done quite a bit of minecraft console reading in the past years, I know that forge gives you a warning about MFR overwriting minecraft:bucketMilk, but seeing BigReactors overwriting IndustrialCraft:IndustrialDiamondSword is something I've only seen once... Edit: I suppose I could try REdeleting and REdownloading the pack untill it gives me configs without ID conflicts, but that just seems like a tedious job, and as far as I know faulty pack downloads happen when the pack is just out or the download server is being overloaded, and I don't believe that's the case.
Tell you what I can do, if you can give me the conflicts that's going on that you know, I can get someone to have a look at this might not be a instant thing but I can keep you informed.
I could always upload the latest starting log, that should mention most of the items that get overwritten by another mod
Sure go ahead and do that, can't do much right now as am on a bus but as soon as I get home I can take a look and we can go from there.
I'm having a slight problem uploading the log, the filesize is too big for the mym forums, and it exceeds pastebin's non-pro limit too... any suggestions? (I guess I can put it on my google drive) Edit: google drive link: ForgeModLoader-client-0.log - Google Drive Edit: searching for keyword 'CONFLICT' will only highlight the conflicts, not the ones that are intended overwriting
Are you saying that there's nothing wrong? looking through the log myself I also found some exaliquo crooks overwriting it's own hammers, which I found even more strange than mods overwriting other mods. So the download I have is the download everyone has, and it's perfectly playeable (except for the fact that you can't make a /dev/null but I suppose there's no use for that on a skyblock, except for voiding netherrack I guess)? Anyways, thanks for looking into this, I guess I'll get back on playing it
No I just said that it is intended that the bucket is in gemDiamond and that the overwritten ID's are no big issue as the pack is playable. It's since the release of agrarian + and this is the first time someone reported it.
Okay, I guess I'll consider this thread closed then slightly offtopic: is there an Agrarian Skies 2+ planned?