so i just went to a guys island, teleported back to my island and got sent straight to the void. and this is the second time this happend to me. guys fix your command issues.
are you having internet issues? Only time this happens to me is if there are people streaming videos & downloading movies on other PC's in my house. Also is your sethome on a Solid block. meaning not on a half slab or transparent block like glass.
you seem to be the only one having this issue. Please monitor your connection to the server when it happens. You can use winmtr for it. WinMTR – Appnor's Free Network Diagnostic Tool
I had the same issue. Try set your homepoint on a solid block. Avoid slabs or other kinds of microblocks. This should resolve your problem. Maybe add a spawn point with a few blocks buffer.
Try using the menu command as oppose to the slash command. Do /is to bring up menu then click the home block. I've seen this work in the past and have no reports if it doing what was stated above. Regards, Auonddon