Done Ars Magica Woes

Discussion in 'Agrarian Skies' started by Zippity_Doodah, Jun 23, 2015.

  1. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    I recently began playing on Agrarian Skies + with some other folks, and since Ars Magica is new to me, I decided to take on the task of working through that Quest Chain... There are several issues I've run into in my attempts to get through the first set of quests...

    First off was getting the Blue Orchids to complete the Crystal Wrench; NEI has no information on how to acquire this flower, and after many stacks of Bonemeal I still have yet to see one of them spawn... I checked several AM videos on the subject of Blue Orchids, and attempted several of the suggestions within them, such as using bonemeal in a Swamp Biome, which did nothing... Only after asking other folks and finding someone with a spare one, did I get that quest done... The player I got it from didn't even know how they got it...

    Second, I followed the instructions very carefully for constructing Your First Nexus and everything seemed to be working ok, but when I attempted to complete the Creating Essences quest and followed the instructions as given, the Celestial Prism would not link with the Essence Refiner... Again, I scoured the web for inspiration and attempted to use a Mana Battery as a go-between, and even though the Celestial Prism (surrounded in a 3x3 of chalk and the 4 pillars of 2xBlocks of Quarts topped with Gold Blocks) would link with the Battery and the Battery would link to the Essence Refiner, the battery never gained any charge, regardless of the time of day... And I made sure it had a clear view of the sky... The Beam of Light described in the quest never appeared, even with Particle Effects set to All...

    Again I scoured these forums and the web for any idea on how to get this thing working, but to no avail, even though I followed the quest instructions to a T, it would not work... And of course all the videos available made it seem so simple, but they are either outdated or have no bearing on this version of the mod...

    Now, I'm not sure if I've done something wrong, but even after experimenting and all that, I still can not figure it out, and the Arcane Compendium is not craftable, or at least there is no NEI recipe for it... And since no Pools of Essence exist, I can not craft it that way either, so I can't see any way of continuing that quest chain with out some sort of help or intervention... And most of the other players on the server either have not completed that chain either or are as clueless as myself...

    I appreciate any support I can get on this, because it's rather frustrating how difficult that quest chain appears to be compared to all the other quest chains, as it is either wrong in it's instructions or it is not clear enough on the steps needing to be performed...


  2. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    you cannot spawn said flower, and google Direwolf20, and look at his FC 1.6.4 series, that will help you ;)
  3. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    6:02 AM
    Then how are you supposed the get the flower since it is required to make the Crystal Wrench in order to complete the 3rd quest?

    Problem with his Ars Magica videos is that they work on the premise that Essence Pools exist, which is not the case for Agrarian Skies+... The quest chain is attempting to help you work around how to alternatively gain essence without the pools... Plus he mentions Blue Chalk which does not exist in this pack...

    I watched both his 2014 Ars Magica videos and his 2012 Ars Magica videos and they both call for Blue Chalk, plus they never mention the existence of the Celestial Prism you use in the quest... I tried using the Wizards Chalk to do the same thing, but it doesn't work...

    Thank you for the suggestion though...

    Last edited: Jun 23, 2015
  4. Quasiimodem

    Quasiimodem Well-Known Member

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    okay, I personally got essence from putting water essences i got since the island i am on is ocean biome so water elementals spawn as hostile mobs, into the smeltery, and then use a drain to get that into a tank. and AM2 has wrong info, the celestial prism can't be used on the essance refiner, i used a obelisk and it works fine, also the blue orchid I found by bonemealing grass, it might be a reallllllyyyy low chance for it to spawn, as I've only gotten one.
    Slind likes this.
  5. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    That seemed to do the trick, ty very much... Not sure if the original mod author made these quests or if they were added by someone else, in either case they need to be re-worded because it leads you to believe that the Celestial Prism setup is what hooks to the refiner...

    Thanks again,

  6. Quasiimodem

    Quasiimodem Well-Known Member

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    yeah, i'm pretty sure MyM added the quests, but to be fair in the AM2 book it says the Celestial Prism works for the refiner.
  7. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    It was just confusing because it said to first make an obelisk and then how to put it all together without telling you what the obelisk was for or if it had something to do with the rest of the ritual...

    Also, after I got past that part, I eventually started showing my Mana bar, but after a server restart my AM UI disappeared and I can't open the Occulus anymore, almost like my progression in Ars Magica was reset... Is there a way to get it back?

  8. Quasiimodem

    Quasiimodem Well-Known Member

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    yeah, I usually drop my book pick it back up and then relog and that fixes it
  9. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    I appreciate the help... Now if I can only get into the game for more than a few seconds this morning... Ended up opening a ticket, as for some strange reason I'm getting Java IO Exceptions for Bad Packet ID's this morning...

    Thanks again for your help...


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