Implemented Thaumcraft Research - Annoyingly repetitive.

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by mynameisAK, Jun 27, 2015.


Do you think this is a good idea?

Poll closed Jul 11, 2015.
  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Maybe (Post your ideas on why maybe)

  4. Potato

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. mynameisAK

    mynameisAK Walking Modded-MC Wikipedia.

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    10:48 PM
    When the new Thaumcraft research was released it was fantastic - compared to the previous iterations of researching we were using it actually made sense and was easy to pick up.

    (Old Research)

    (New Research)

    However that time has long since passed for a lot of Thaumaturges. With the coming and passing of different packs (passing being us moving on rather than the pack moving on) and worlds (resets) we are forced to re-do the research we spent hours upon hours doing every single server.

    The reason behind my creating this thread is both a question and a plea. Is it possible (both within configs and keeping somewhat to progression) to enable the basic thaumcraft research for those who have done it in the past on other Mym servers/packs?

    - Don't have the grind of doing all of the research whenever we play another Mym server.
    - Keeps somewhat to progression (the basic research works by all research being purchasable - like some of the research already is) - meaning research still needs to be done, the different aspects gained and lots of scanning - but not the grind that comes with the minigame.
    - More people in the Mym network are likely to do Thaumcraft more than once - I've seen players completely forgo doing any Thaumcraft unless forced (through HQM packs) due to how repetitive it is.
    - People still need to have done the research (adv) at least once on the network - so would not be game breaking.

    - Packs that rely on time may have slight progression breaking. An example of this being the new Hubris server; having to rush and run from the surrounding taint until we could do the research to get ______ (Research to find out ;)) to remove taint.
    - Newer players may feel that this is unfair - due to some players having benefits that they are unable to get.
    - Players get to endgame quicker.
    - Some packs have addons that others do not - problematic because the research config would affect all research (doing Thaumcraft on some packs is faster than others - doing it on one with less on would mean that players would have faster access to the basic research on all other servers)

    Obviously this is a discussion as well as a suggestion and I welcome feedback from any players.

    Extra thoughts and aditions:
    - These would generally be disabled on any UHC or PVP pack as those packs all players are expected to be equal upon joining to any other player (whether that is staff, donator or normal player).

    TL: DR - Basic Thaumcraft research for those that have already done that Advanced elsewhere.
    AlphaRue likes this.
  2. darkknight5124

    darkknight5124 New Member

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    this would be a good idea for some but there is no way that i know of to alter the configs for just select players is ether easy mode or progression mode i myself like the challenge of matching the aspects (completed all thaumcraft to ichor in under 24 hours ) it lets me learn more about how aspects match together

    but i can see how some players would want this.
    so i have voted no for my own opinion as i prefer it to easy mode (i love challenges)
  3. MrSquidward_

    MrSquidward_ Well-Known Member

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    I voted YES because is a bit annoying doing complete thaumcraft research in all server i play, doing 2 times the researches is ok, but making them 3 or more is a bit painfull.
  4. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    I vote yes, Simply because there is no CHEAT sheet for this system.
    It is actually hard... and i like it hard (insert "thats what she said" jokes here)
    profrags and Chetwynd like this.
  5. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    I would suggest instead to make all research purchasable
  6. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    You mean like with MyMs?
  7. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    ik its very repetitive but thats how it suppose to work. take it as other mods in other modpacks for example thermal expansion you always make the different machines like you did in the other server now just take thaumcraft the same way in every modpack you have to do the mods from start to end
  8. mynameisAK

    mynameisAK Walking Modded-MC Wikipedia.

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    10:48 PM
    I assume he means the basic researching (purchase using aspects) instead of the default advanced research (mini-game)
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  9. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Nope, as in setting it to easy mode to make all research purchasable with aspects instead of the mini game
  10. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Interesting Idea, if this was to happen, the market for thaumcraft items would need to be changed, since this is rather easy
  11. mynameisAK

    mynameisAK Walking Modded-MC Wikipedia.

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    10:48 PM
    "Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... same thing... over and over again expecting... something to change... " - Vaas (Minus language)

    You say that is how it is supposed to work, but why would the config allow for the purchasing of research (of which every research has its own aspect cost - aka it was intended to be in Thaumcraft).
    AlphaRue likes this.
  12. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    Ill take the purchase option for people that don't like to work on the minigame whats the fun on being able to just purchase everything right out of the bag ? The minigame makes you think "What aspect goes here and to be careful with the amount that you have"

    If this get change whats the point of doing thaumcraft if its just going to be "Click and i got the research" it just ruin the experience for me and other players that like it
  13. mynameisAK

    mynameisAK Walking Modded-MC Wikipedia.

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    But doing the same mini-game around 90 times for every time you do Thaumcraft (purely for the Vanilla thaumcraft - not adding in the fact that add-ons can double or triple that number) on a server or after a reset. That is not fun in my opinion and from the Poll so far it seems other people agree with me.
  14. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    But tell me are those people thinking about the others that say no or just for them because it makes their life easier
    again i say i enjoy the challenge the minigame shows

    And tell me AK is it repetitive having to build a pulverizer or a portal to alfheim in every server ?
    to the point that you get bore of doing it over and over again

    Also to add my own view of the minigame it does't get repetitive for me
    i have fun doing it and with every time i do it from start to end also with every time i do it . It makes me faster makes me think and create the best ways to do a research without wasting tons of research points
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2015
  15. mynameisAK

    mynameisAK Walking Modded-MC Wikipedia.

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    No, they are not. But those other players have not made any other suggestions or made their opinions heard outside of yourself (who has also not offered suggestions outside of "I don't want this") and darkknight, who stated he likes the challenge.

    Its not repetetive to build a pulverizer or portal to Alfheim. Because they use different systems and mechanics. You have to craft things in an order, collect materials, obtain mana of which for all of these things is so many different ways to do. But with Thaumcraft you have but one option. Research. That or... Nope, Research is the only way.
  16. TheDrunkSquirrel

    TheDrunkSquirrel Well-Known Member

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    Ok then if the easier way goes thru then you do not have to go with it and you can stay with your mini game then. Because me and quite a few others agree with AK that it does get very annoying and makes us not want to try another server, because of all the research we will have to do again. Also machines and thaumcraft are two different things.....soooo ya
  17. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    2:48 PM
    Well my vote stays unchange i wish there was a way to make it where one could purchase the research with points while the other would have the choice of doing minigame but then again its a config that affects the whole server
  18. mynameisAK

    mynameisAK Walking Modded-MC Wikipedia.

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    10:48 PM
    Yeah, would be nice to have that option available. I do understand why people enjoy the mini-game, I mean, my god it was much better than the Thaumcraft 4.0 one am I right? XD

    But after doing it so many times it just got to me, I mean I didn't do Thaumcraft at all on Inf5 just because I'd done it on 5 servers previous on Mym. Since then I've generally only helped doing Thaumcraft research (Maelstrom, DrunkSquirrel and a couple others doing the main part of the research in different servers). Doing the calculations I've probably done that mini-game over 1.5 thousand times since Thaumcraft 4.1 (between Thaumcraft and all its addons).
  19. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    julio1237878 likes this.
  20. Slind

    Slind Founder

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