So it would seem i may of left a few errors in the questbook. Please reply with any you find so we can fix them all at once. (Dont tell caith this post Exists... Or my life might be at risk )
Well, considering my quest book and inventory reset every time i log in, its pretty hard to even make it anywhere...
Kronnn "So was it caithleen or chetwyndkid who broke the heart of the star quest? " on #galacticsience
oh i understand qb resets just fine. i was playing crash landing and managed to complete the quests in less than 4 hours in between resets. but what am i to do with 3 quantum entanglers, 3 ender quarries, and 3 t3 rockets which are among the few items that we cannot use more than one of and cannot decomp either.
Use them to make a throne to sit on and watch the new members crawl in the dust to make the rockets themselves?