Implemented Connection issues (Cannot Resolve)

Discussion in 'Horizons' started by Gevase, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. Gevase

    Gevase New Member

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    I have been playing on the horizons server for approximately 2 weeks now with 2 other people local to me, shortly after starting we began to have occasional resolution errors for all MYM servers (we can connect to other servers).
    we have 2 people on one outer ip, and the third is on another outer ip. If I am playing when the error occurs it produces a "read time-out" error.
    This is what I have tried:
    • Turn off firewalls
    • Turn off anti-Malware+firewalls
    • Restart computer
    • Update Java (no update to be found)
    • Force update launcher (MYM launcher)
    • Delete all files, re-install
    • Unchecked "update modpack" repeat previous 2 steps
    • Ping servers (Successful)
    WinMTR has been run and returned no useful data, other than a 100% successful connection to the host.

    at this point i'm out of ideas, if anyone has any please share :(
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 25, 2014
  2. Vanroden

    Vanroden Guest

  3. KeeperFX

    KeeperFX New Member

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  4. Gevase

    Gevase New Member

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    AMD Fx Quad-core 3.6 ghz
    8 GB ram (6 dedicated to launcher)
    64 bit os
    wireless connection (happens on wired for friend)
    Speed test:
    ping: 16 ms
    Down: 29.79 Mbps
    Up 6.58

    this problem only effects my connection to mym servers.[DOUBLEPOST=1398463522,1398463433][/DOUBLEPOST]KeeperFX, thank you for your suggestion, however my problem is not disconnection but resolution. always the same error (Timed out)
  5. Vanroden

    Vanroden Guest

    Ok now we know these arnt the issues.
    Do you know how to log into your router?
    its like 192.168.x.x or something along those lines. Check your firewall, test by turning it off first. you might need to update it. Also some PC firewalls can cause this.

    Also out of curiosity. when you launch FTB and go to the Server list, what is your ping to the server, you can see this by hovering over the signal bar thats above the players online numbers.
  6. Gevase

    Gevase New Member

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    I already tested my firewall by turning it off, my router does not come with A native firewall so i am sure that wont be an issue. in launcher my ping is a whopping ~400, which is odd because when pinged it is about 130-170 (what???)[DOUBLEPOST=1398483580,1398464671][/DOUBLEPOST]makes about 8 consecutive hours the connection wasn't available for me and a friend today.
  7. DeadCurrent

    DeadCurrent New Member

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    The problem is the server is denying the IPs since they are local, but it isn't stopping them from connecting. Try resetting your router, or getting a proxy for different connections.
    If you have a static IP this shouldn't be a problem to resolve.
  8. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    what do you mean? the proxy setup?
  9. DeadCurrent

    DeadCurrent New Member

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    Mainly what a proxy is for, or to bypass a firewall, or you can setup a proxy within Windows 7 with your outbound connection so it applies to everything.
    Yeah you can use the proxy setup in the launcher to connect if you are having connection issues with IP resolution.
  10. Gevase

    Gevase New Member

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    Why would it be denying specifically our 3 ips, only every once in a while?
  11. DeadCurrent

    DeadCurrent New Member

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    Well basically a server is supposed to take in 1 IP per computer, since each computer has its on MAC address. With all 3 of you running with the same IP locally it's being confused and denying you guys because it thinks there's a problem with 3 connections being hosted on the same IP.
  12. Gevase

    Gevase New Member

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    only 2 of us are on the same ip, the third is on a different ip
  13. DeadCurrent

    DeadCurrent New Member

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    Its on the same local connection though, right?
  14. KeeperFX

    KeeperFX New Member

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    Try googles open dns?
  15. Gevase

    Gevase New Member

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    2 on same local connection 1 on different connection entirely. forgot to mention that i have tried both of googles dns services thank you for your replies.
  16. KeeperFX

    KeeperFX New Member

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    Is it ONLY you that is effected by this? Possibly try putting yourself temporarily in your routers DMZ. Make sure any guest network is disabled, try a different lan/wifi adapter/check for any driver/firmware updates. Make sure nothing else is spitting out DHCP. Kill all the things that connect to your router except your computer(s).

    Baring all that, it's still kinda hard to say what the issue may be. Client, ISP or Server side. Just to possibly rule out hardware issues, you could try dualbooting something like Ubuntu linux and see what that does.
  17. Gevase

    Gevase New Member

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    It is me and 2 others (3 if you count the person on monster forums) guest is disabled and only 1 device is connected at some points, firmware is up to date. and we are using a lan connection and 2 different wifi adapters on the 3 different computers. we do all run on windows 8, but how would that explain it happening to ONLY mym servers?
  18. CruzBishop

    CruzBishop New Member

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    I had a problem that was similar but not exactly the same. There's a chance something is wrong in your registry in relation to either Java or the actual networking stack. If you run CCleaner's registry cleaner, it might help, but it might not do anything.

    If you don't mind losing data, using W8's refresh/reinstall feature might help. Otherwise...

    Sorry, I didn't notice you said ONLY MyM.

    Are you using the MyM launcher? I noticed as I was typing it's using the wrong version for Agrarian Skies, maybe it's using the wrong version for Horizons too?
  19. Gevase

    Gevase New Member

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    its only occasionally, and ya im using MYM. thanks for the fresh ideas though :)
  20. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    I have never had this issue before with 2 accounts on the same ip, but within the last week or 2 i can only have 1 logged in at a time. If i use a proxy on one account, no issues. something may have changed serverside recently

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