Hello, There were two turtles unplaced in the grass, dropped in item-form that I unknowingly picked up and didn't realize until later. I was picking seeds and remember seeing a flash of something unusual, but with a full inventory I didn't notice the turtles mixed in with everything until later. This happened at a randomtp in farmworld so I have no idea where to return them to. I still have them. As a side note: The rules say to report unintentional griefing to /modreq, but this does not appear to be a working command on the server.
They were in item form, so someone dropped them and the items saved when the chunk unloaded until I loaded it again in passing. I have no way of knowing where the randomtp location I was at is located. They are unlabeled so they have no previously saved programs as unlabeled turtles do not persist data after being broken.
i got this, which is why i have no idea how they will track the turtle's and whose they are, i don't think prism is made to handle that type of case
Thanks - u guys might also update the rules to reflect that /modreq is now /ticket. But maybe not many people actually read the rules anyways
Actually Both do not work just /ticket And in fact @Senior Moderator Would have to look at this as you need to track the item.