A few minutes after they come back up they crash again. This has been happening pretty much all day. Seems to be mostly when I try to /home home so possibly something in my chunk but not sure, could be a coincidence.
@Senior Moderator Code: -- Head -- Stacktrace: at openblocks.common.tileentity.TileEntityBigButton.getOwner(TileEntityBigButton.java) at net.minecraft.block.BlockDropper.func_82526_n(BlockDropper.java:95) at net.minecraft.block.BlockDispenser.func_71847_b(BlockDispenser.java:215) -- Block being ticked -- Details: Block type: ID #158 (tile.dropper // net.minecraft.block.BlockDropper) Block data value: 2 / 0x2 / 0b0010 Block location: World: (1176,77,1623), Chunk: (at 8,4,7 in 73,101; contains blocks 1168,0,1616 to 1183,255,1631), Region: (2,3; contains chunks 64,96 to 95,127, blocks 1024,0,1536 to 1535,255,2047) Stacktrace: at net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.func_72955_a(WorldServer.java:949) at net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.func_72835_b(WorldServer.java:438)
I tried worldedit on the location specified in the report but it didn't correspond to anything in either the overworld or farmworld when I teleported there to check afterwards, so idk where those coordinates came lol Apparently the server has been up for 20 mins so hopefully it sorted itself out, but if it crashes again I'll take another look.
someone put a bigbutton on the front of a dispenser and the dispenser is trying to put the item inside of the big button GUI its a know bug.
Nope, server still crashes every 15-30 minutes and whats worse is its not saving the world and player .dat files at the same time so after crashes I come back to find everything I put in chests prior to the crash completely gone. I've lost stacks of ore blocks, my VIP kits, vote rewards, and more from this. I know you guys are working on a solution to crashes but its getting really, really bad and annoying because I'm just wasting time and not getting anything done.
This time it was something else, the initial issue is fixed. The new one was a server freeze where we need to figure out what is causing it.
I just dont understand why every crash i loose items i put in chests. im guessing its bc my player data file is saving before the server is saving the world.