Implemented Why do we start at Spawn?

Discussion in 'Monster' started by orionbeta, Apr 27, 2014.

  1. orionbeta

    orionbeta Active Member

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    4:23 PM
    Forward: I apologize in advance if there is another Forum Post on this topic, as I was unable to locate it with a quick search.

    Topic: Recently (Last week or two weeks) we have been starting on the servers (Monster & Monster +) at the Spawn start point every time we log into a server. This is different than before when we logged into the respective server, it would log the character into where the character logged out on that server.


    1. Why has this become the norm?

    2. Will this change back to the way it operated before?

    Thank you in advance for your answers and keeping all us players informed of what is occurring with the server architecture and issues associated with integrating mod packs, and upgrades.

  2. Larnorak

    Larnorak New Member

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    12:23 AM
    I'd like to know that, too. I know it is only one teleport away from home but it is still annoying :(
  3. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    it is not intended and I just created and uploaded a debugging build as it works fine on my testservers.
  4. orionbeta

    orionbeta Active Member

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    Slind14... you are the best... I don't care what Auonddon says... :)

    Thank you for taking care of us.[DOUBLEPOST=1398739590,1398739279][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh yeah.. not sure if this was the intended programming... but here is an observation.

    It now works when you leave say Monster 2 and go to lobby, then you go back to Monster 2.

    If you do not move immediately (<5 sec) upon going into Monster you are teleported back to the spawn... perhaps this is intentional, perhaps not... either way this is an improvement.

    thank you
  5. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    It is not, I'm working on a solution. Should be up tomorrow if it works as I think.
  6. Zphantom13

    Zphantom13 New Member

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    it started happenning after a proxy restart.
  7. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    FYI, I wasn't able to dig deeper into it today. I will try my best to find a solution tomorrow.[DOUBLEPOST=1398912404,1398821697][/DOUBLEPOST]I tested about 3 hours today with 3 different accounts and was not able to reproduce it. Please give me all information you can find and note down how you logged out and logged in when you spawn at the spawn.
  8. orionbeta

    orionbeta Active Member

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    That sucks... sorry you spend so much time without any success...perhaps it is resolved now... let me try it out again.

    okay.... I just tested Monster + and it did not happen, so perhaps it is solved?

    once servers are back up I will try Monster 2 and re-validate Monster +
  9. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Please if it happens again try to remember ever step and let me know them. As soon as I have a way to reproduce it I can solve it.
  10. orionbeta

    orionbeta Active Member

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    ok... I just logged into Monster 2 and the same issue happened where I logged in, and then 5 sec later without moving I returned to spawn.

    2014-04-30_20.07.46... was 30 sec of less after it happened

    Steps taken

    Situational: already logged into MYM.
    typed /lobby from existing world Monster 2
    Right clicked on compass
    Selected the Red block to transport to Monster.
    Entered Monster 2 gate
    Did not move, and then 5 sec or less I am transported to spawn.

  11. Larnorak

    Larnorak New Member

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    Same for me.

    Depending on how busy my machine is I spawn at the location I logged out and if I am able to move fast enough I get a "Pending teleportation request cancelled" message.
    If I do not manage to move quickly after the initial spawn I am teleported back to the spawn on M+ and on M2.

    No matter how I log out, it happens always to me: When I quit the client, crash the client, crash the server, use /lobby etc. - when I get back to M+ the server tries to teleport me to the spawn within 5 seconds.
  12. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    11:23 PM
    @Slind14 Just to add, that this is happening to me too, and as far as steps to reproduce, my steps is one item long: log in to either monster2 or monster+... because regardless of how or where i logged out on either server, whether I connect to the server through lobby or via direct connect, I always start at spawn.

    I can only assume that the server is running the /spawn command for anyone effected (as I know it is effecting more than just the three of us) as soon as I log into the game, which would explain why for orionbeta and Larnorak, it triggers a teleport to spawn if they doesn't move for the first 5 seconds after they log in, but for me I see myself falling at a different location for a fraction of a second then instantly teleport to spawn without a "teleportation commencing..." message in chat, since as both a member of staff and tier 4+ donor, I have TP delay bypass and they do not.
  13. Octav14n

    Octav14n Well-Known Member

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    It affects me too, my machine is to slow at logging in, so I'm starting at spawn but if I look into the "console" i see:
    2014-05-01 08:18:07 [Information] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] Teleportation will commence in 5 seconds. Don't move.
    2014-05-01 08:18:07 [Information] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] Welcome, Octav14n+!
    2014-05-01 08:18:07 [Information] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] Type /help for a list of commands.
    2014-05-01 08:18:07 [Information] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] Type /list to see who else is online.
    2014-05-01 08:18:07 [Information] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] Players online: 11
    2014-05-01 08:18:07 [Information] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] You have no new mail.
    2014-05-01 08:18:07 [Information] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] [Rei's Minimap] 2 Waypoints loaded for
    2014-05-01 08:18:09 [Information] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] Aroma1997Core failed to do VersionChecking. Either there is something wrong with your network connection or with my server.
    2014-05-01 08:18:09 [Information] [PortalGun] [2.0.2] Received world props from server.
    2014-05-01 08:18:10 [Information] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] Teleportation commencing...

    This affects monsters-new and the farming world.
    I'm connecting directly to both, without using the lobby.
    Edit: Console-log in code-tags to avoid smileys.
  14. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    6:23 PM
    To add more annoyance to this issue, It happens to me and several others as well. I've received between 5-10 /modreqs about it in the past week or so and can only imagine how many the other mods/admins have received.
  15. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    12:23 AM
    so it only happens if you switch between the two servers ?
  16. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    11:23 PM
    No, it happens to me every time I connect, regardless of which server I was last on, or whether I connect directly or go through lobby.
  17. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    12:23 AM
    If that is the case I can only imagine that it is due to the ping. As I could not even find one way to reproduce it. No matter if with admin or player permissions, lobby or directly, server restart or within 5 seconds..
    The debug mode is enabled on monster+ atm, please let me know what [InvSync] says if you login and land at the spawn. It will always say something but might be a bit hidden between all the messages that trigger on login.[DOUBLEPOST=1398972981,1398972604][/DOUBLEPOST]If it is due to the latency you should not have that issue from England or at least no if your internet isn't shitty. :p
  18. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    11:23 PM
    Hmmn, now it is suddenly working as normal, the invsync debug is saying Teleported you to your logout location successfully. so idk if it wasn't saving the logout location before... but as i said 2 posts ago, it seemed to me like the server was issuing the /spawn command for anyone who joined, cause people were telling me that it would log them in where they last logged out, and then teleport them to spawn if they didn't immediately move to stop the teleport during the 5 second delay...

    Once again, I think we'll just have to blame gremlins for causing it :p

    And no, my internet isn't shitty, I might not have a fibre-optic line just yet, but ~22mbps broadband should be sufficient!
  19. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    12:23 AM
    wasn't meant negative, I just still can't imagine what it is. The spawn teleport only happens if you log in to a server where you never have been on before.
  20. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    11:23 PM
    Scratch that, it is now trying to teleport me when I log into M+ to the coordinates of where I was last on M2...

    I logged out of M+ at x:-222 y:70 z:107, logged in to M2 and I was at my last location at x:-4268 y:184 z:-2966, then I logged out and went back to M+ and got the debug message [InvSync] BungeeTeleport detected, teleported you back to the BungeeTeleport location! and ended up at x:-3597 y:184 z:-2966 (bearing in mind that the world border on M+ is at -+3600, so it couldnt put me at x:-4268 but notice how it put me at the same y and z coords)!

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