I have been using the Rf to Eu trick with the energy cell and a mfsu and last night the cell stoped outputting to mfsu if anyone knows how to help please help me
If it was on TDT, there is a bug that makes it so, randomly, every machine etc... stops working. It happened a few times while I was playing so try waiting for a server restart, that seems to fix it.
Well I'm sorry I can help that much due to e fact I'm i. spain and don't have access to a computer but I can give you some tips that would maby solve the problem: 1) hook up IC2 cables dirrecly to the RF power (works for lava gens) 2) Try placing a cable in between? (Tey IC2 coz RF won't work I think) Ps: knowing you you already checken but verify the energy cell is outputing on the correct side (orange) and that the MFSU is correcly placed (the dot is an output)
@RandomDeadGamer Place energy cell. Place ic2 power cable on output side of cell. Place machine. If this continues to not work I'll look into it more tonight
Wait, remind me why this is even possible? energy cells don't autoconvert RF & EU, it's a coded fact, and they never have, IC2 is very picky about it
In a previous version of those mods if you placed a cell next to a mfsu it will transfer power. However I highly reckon this is not an intended feature and therefore shouldn't work.
It is defenitely not an intended feature, so it shouldn't work, IC2 is selective about power generation for a reason
there should be a vanilla power type that all mods should conform to, in my opinion. that way mods wont need converters to be compatable
RF was made for that, the creator of IC2 wants EU to be hard to make, so he makes it unconvertable as much as possible
in reality though that was never going to work, EU is as easy to as the next powor type, all you need is the source and you and program a kitchen sink to make every type of power all from one place, no conversion ratio is needed either. just to me seems that the IC Devs dont want anything to be compatible with there mod, the have made like 5 tiers of power gen and machines that do everything, they expected IC2 to be the most popular mod of its type ^^My Personal Opinion^^
It's harder because their machines don't generate as much power as the next one, so it's much, much harder to do just IC2
IC2 may generate less EU yhan RF but if you convert it (look for example with AE), 1EU is way more than 1RF (sorry, can't check the exact numbers yet, don't have my computer on vacation)