On node 5 i was checking my quarry input system and it appears that i have picked up someones grave with my quarry. Not sure what i should do about that i have no idea who's stuff this was or even where in my quarry this grave was.
I don't think he can, because his quarry probably dug it up a long time ago, which makes this a very confusing situation :/
my quarry has two speed three upgrades on it so it could be anywhere the only reason i noticed is the system jammed cause it had too many single items in the cell. it could be anywhere from x=-3538 y=100 z=-988 and x=-2919 y=1 z=-166.
Well since this monster of a quarry is 619×622×100 (did that one without a calculator!) in volume I am guessing a ehmmm laggy like 600 radius prism search with death as the action should work
Prism got updated. Not so laggy. "THING" = Ender quarry /pr l a:break p:"THING" Radius will be the world edit selection or cords. And specify the item to search for.