I found a vanilla pig spawner on my island... Are these broken? Because it doesn't seem to be working, haha
It isn't even supposed to be a pig spawner anyway, he is referring to one of the spawners in the "advanced cube" island, there is supposed to be 1 skeleton, 1 zombie and 1 cave spider spawner hidden in the island, but when the island schematic was copied over from the 1.6.4 agrarian to 1.7.10 agrarian skies and sky factory, all the spawners defaulted to pig because the spawner type didn't save to the worldedit schematic properly.. I have literally reported this several times now but still no one has actually tried to fix it :/
I'm not even sure if worldedit can copy spawners without breaking them on 1.7 as essentials can't handle them either. Would you mind testing it chaos? At best with a schematic between restarts.
Ahh no you're right worldedit can't copy the spawners properly at all, so unless you can think of anything else then I guess we have to leave it as is :/
Yes I'm aware of that, the problem is that the advanced cube island is available to tier 3 players who don't have that option, so unless they can get a tier 4 player to do it for them then they are still stuck with just the default pig spawners.
cant there just be made a one time kit available for the tier3-4 players containing the correct spawners? maybe?
It isn't possible to set the type of a spawner before placing it in agrarian skies so a kit wouldn't work, different spawners types don't show up in NEI, there is just the pig spawner in creative and it has a tooltip that says to use a spawn egg to set its type, but i got a player to try testing that cause i was thinking of just having a chest next to each spawner with the spawn egg for the mob it was supposed to be, but when the player rightclicked the spawner it just spawned the mob from the egg but didn't set the spawner type, which I assume is either because you have to be in creative to set the type or because of the way MyM intercepts the rightclick to open the spawner select menu that tier 4 has access to, idk but either way it didn't work..