I would like (ironic) to see more likes on the forums. Ive seen some servers forums have likes such as funny agree disagree like dislike potato.... and others
This is completely unneccesary, there are more important things for the people here to program than a "dislike", they are using a basic forum setup that doesn't have it, so...
or i can just not like them, there are more important things that we can have added, and if have to write i disagree i will most likely give a reason therefore inviting a discussion
Yeah, I like that, too. While it might have the advantage of users thinking twice about their post (don't wanna get a "bad spelling" "dislike" "garbage" like) there are also others that don't want to post at all or not any more after they received such feedback. I'm not aware of any big platform which allows you to dislike a users opinion with your name attached.
What about something like this. This is from a different server but i still like the idea. Something similar would be cool. 1st Icon: Like 2nd Icon: Agree 3rd Icon: Funny 4th Icon: Winner (Good idea for forum games) 5th Icon: Informative 6th Icon: Friendly 7th Icon: Useful 8th Icon: Optimistic 9th Icon: Creative EDIT: This is how it is displayed. From Most To Least EDIT: To be honest I don't like the idea of a dislike button, i think it just makes people devastated. I would hate to have a few dislikes, it would make me feel bad like any one else.
yes, but if we are adding unneccesary things things that are neccesary aren't getting the time to be completed as fast as they could be otherwise, which is a bad thing
you obviously have no idea how programming works then, things that people think take 20 minutes can sometimes takes years
-_- i probalby dont but the point is the forums seem bland. It doesnt have any pizazz. I think there should be more to it.
I feel like the line option is fine as it is. If you get a like you are happy, you posted something clever or something that other people agree to. But getting a dislike trust me that isnt fun, you would either get scared to do anything wrong or get really mad at the one who chose to dislike. Some people dont care but others do and they can get really ticked off. As of today the like button doesnt have any meaning here, its a number with no reward other than the feeling of joy (which I belive is enough). So why add an option to make people sad?
ok maybe not dislike but disagree? Gyazo - c5b2d5167527da2d9446ca9d44d7a805.png here we have like dislike agree disagree funny winner informitive helpful usefull optimistic creative old badspelling and cookies (potatoes) it just adds a little color to the forums
This is the addon btw: Post Ratings - taking likes to the next level | XenForo Community it costs 20 GBP