Implemented Regrowth 0.8.0 (Now at 0.8.1)

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by BookerTheGeek, Sep 3, 2015.


Which option do you like?

Poll closed Sep 14, 2015.
  1. Continue to have one server on 0.7.4

    0 vote(s)
  2. Have two servers, one on 0.7.4 and one on 0.8.1

    6 vote(s)
  3. Reset the server and have one new one on 0.8.1

    27 vote(s)
  1. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    8:53 PM
    So, we are at the point in time where a regrowth update has finally come out. huzza!

    Now thou, we have an issue. And the issue is that updating the pack is going to require an entirely new world. This is because:
    • The mod that controls how the biomes generate was changed
    • Update to Mechanisms 8.
    • Added Millionaire
    • Climate Control:
      • Add Mountainous Wasteland Biome to worldgen
    • Ruins:
      • Added Spirit world to list of dimensions where ruins can spawn
      • A couple of new worldgen structures courtesy of SyberSmoke

    Now I believe we can move ahead in one/two of three ways:
    1. Nothing, we can continue to have one server on 0.7.4
    2. Have two servers, one on 0.7.4 and one on 0.8.0
    3. Reset the server and have one new one on 0.8.0

    Change logs

    Left here for your consideration.
  2. Nezraddin

    Nezraddin New Member

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    3:53 AM
    Since I dislike giving a vote without saying something to it, here I go :D

    As much as I would like to keep the 0.7.4 Server (since I spend quiet some time building up stuff there and there is a part in my screaming "Nooo, you don't want to loose the work you put in!") I voted for the third option.
    My reason for going against my screaming-mind: I would start over in 0.8.0 no matter what. I really like many of the changes that all the updated mods bring (especially the new mekanism). So while I would like to keep going back to 0.7.4 from time to time to look at what I build there... that would be pretty much it why I would join the 0.7.4 server again, not to play on it, just to maybe see what builds I can copy for the 0.8.0 server.

    And I think in the long run most people would start playing on the 0.8.0 server and the 0.7.4 server would be very empty in the end.

    As much as it hurts to say, since it's the first server I serioulsy played on and my first "big" building projects that I actually kept working on (and not turned my back towards it after a month like most times in singleplayer), I must be realistic and see that regrowth is still in alpha and alpha for modpacks pretty much mean "resets might happen any new version".

    So long story short: I voted for "Reset and only 1 server (on 0.8.0)" simply cause I think on the long run the 0.7.4 server would die out anyways cause the people will play the newer versions. (after all 0.8.0 probably won't be the last version in the end)
    wyrdness and BookerTheGeek like this.
  3. Talzor869

    Talzor869 Patron Tier 2

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    8:53 PM
    I agree with this guy above me, word for word.
  4. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    8:53 PM
    Very true, but sources have told me that their is not plans for future versions to require a world reset. Also, 0.8.1 is being tested as I type.
    Nezraddin likes this.
  5. Nezraddin

    Nezraddin New Member

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    3:53 AM
    Which strengthens me in my opinion about having a "clean cut" rather than a second server that most likely will be empty in the near future.
    (as much as it hurts to see some of the builds I have seen to be gone, but the new server will have new great builds, too I think. :) )
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  6. Desiirea

    Desiirea New Member

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    8:53 PM
    Would it be possible to consider (on a case by case basis) of having peoples build copied over? If you are worried it might overwhelm staff, you could even make it a donation or claimblock + mym option. If people have put a significant amount of time into a build, a small donation request of $5 (sorry am not sure what that is in euros) or a larger mym/claim bock cost wouldn't be unreasonable. You could require the same number of claimblocks are available in the new world as the size of the claim you are asking to be moved + mym for a nonmonitary option. If I had put weeks to months into a build I would gladly part with that (or work to earn the required claimblocks/mym) to have it copied even knowing maybe my machinery might be broken and have to be redone as it's usually the cosmetics I'm wanting to keep. This way staff wouldn't be overwhelmed by requests from people who don't truly intend to keep working on their regrowth claim to ask for their builds to be copied. It's a win/win for both sides.
  7. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    8:53 PM
    @Matryoshika F.Y.I I do believe the issue with World Border and pre-generation was fixed, althou I am not 100% sure. More like 80%.
  8. frogman79

    frogman79 Well-Known Member

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    8:53 PM
    Start fresh with a stable build. Regrowth map is how old now?
  9. Slind

    Slind Founder

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  10. NickTy

    NickTy Active Member

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    2:53 AM
    Much though I hate the idea of losing my little island, and I dread the plowing through the questbook again, I think a reset is the best option. I am assuming we will keep the same number of claim blocks as we had in the previous world? This will give us a chance to mix with each other and work on joint projects, I have been far too insular in the current world, since Trbovlje left. I have been looking to team up with people, but either the other players are well established, and don't want to move, or they are new players that are looking for free handouts. This could be just what I need!
  11. bryan84

    bryan84 Well-Known Member

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    7:53 PM
    Is there anyway to have the servers with portal access or some transfer if there are two? I'd be incredibly frustrated to have to redo all of the tedious starting stuff if we cant recover our stuff on the new server. Frankly, I think that alot of people would just give up, myself included; its just too tedious. If 8,1 is in beta and doesnt have the issue, why not wait for that pack to become stable, there are also probs with .8 as i understand with passive botania flowers withering which is a killer on regrowth.[DOUBLEPOST=1441478711][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, I'd like to add that this vote seems to be disproportionately people who've moved on or are basically done on the server. I haven't seen any of the people above on the server however, that's just anecdotal but I don't see a lot of people who spend a lot of time on the current server with posts above... It seems most people aren't aware of this vote taking place.[DOUBLEPOST=1441479560,1441478575][/DOUBLEPOST]Another addition: I like Desiiria's suggestion, I'd pay to have my claim moved to a new server if its a flat out reset; I don't know if I'd want to risk moving from 7.4 to 8 just to loss another few weeks if it moves to 8.1.
  12. A_Super_Creeper

    A_Super_Creeper Well-Known Member

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    6:53 PM
    My vote is for a reset to an updated Regrowth. I don't think anyone should be allowed to take anything with them, either.
  13. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    9:53 PM
    if there's a reset it's always a hard reset, world is wiped and so is playerdata
  14. gamewiz93

    gamewiz93 Well-Known Member

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    6:53 PM
    I like Desiiria's suggestion, we did it before back during the first horizons when we moved from horizons to horizons+. why can't we do what we did then?
  15. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    9:53 PM
    The new mekanism breaks the old mekanism, thats why, anything from mekanism can't be moved over
  16. Nezraddin

    Nezraddin New Member

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    3:53 AM
    As for myself, I wasn't much online since I heard that 0.8.0 would need a reset of the world (was mentioned in ftb forums) and since I wasn't sure how this effects the mym-server I didn't want to build much anymore. And I think there are a few people who wanted to first wait for these information before keeping on with playing.

    I was twice in the game to tell people about a possible world reset and that it's discussed in the forums... so I just can hope the word is spread around so people who actually cares to look into the forum (I guess many players hardly ever look into the forums) come here to say something/vote.
  17. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    8:53 PM
    That is not an issue with the pack, it is a NEW feature of botania, read the lexicon.

    This will not be a problem as the only reason a world reset is required is to fix mechanisms. The following updates will (should) not break anything, and the only reason this is happening is because mechanisms 7 is not very compatible with mechanisms 8.

    In regards to moving things over from the old server to the new sever (If that is the route we go and have a purge), It is the policy to do a ahrd reset and to have everybody start over fresh. This decision would of course reside with the Founders/Directors of MyM.

    This post added to broadcast on regrowth as of 05SEP PST.
  18. ItsNora_

    ItsNora_ Names not actually Noah Booster

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    2:53 AM
    Me and I think Benny were talking about this a while ago. If we were to load up the server without mekanism, which should in turn remove all mekanism related items, and then update the pack, it should be fine. I'm not sure about the idea but I may be an option.
  19. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    3:53 AM
    You would need to load all chunks and inventories. Is it confirmed that updating mekanism is causing more issues than its content disappearing due to different names?

    Don't forget the bop being removed issue.
  20. Nezraddin

    Nezraddin New Member

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    3:53 AM
    Though, there is still the new world gen. I'm not sure how that would effect anything in the server (since the world is pregenerated as far as I understand) but the question still would be if that could cause a problem in the future. Or in case of the new ruins that spawn if it wouldn't be best to generate a new world, too.

    From what I read in the first posting there are quiet a few more "big changes" than just mekanism which would make a new world better than trying to use the old one, which may or may not cause problems/bugs in the future.

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