Implemented Claiming In The Nether

Discussion in 'Horizons' started by Dubstep_Teflon, May 6, 2014.

  1. Dubstep_Teflon

    Dubstep_Teflon New Member

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    2:32 AM
    I have an EnderThermic pump setup in the nether and It keeps getting stolen the first time I let it slide but now I'm not gonna stand to have my Pump taken without it being replaced because it's a pain in the neck to replace.
  2. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member Patron Tier 1

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    First off, I'd like to point out that this ideally belongs in the support section of the modpack you are referring to, posting it here in the complaints and ban-appeal section, and not even mentioning anywhere in your post which server you are talking about is counter-productive as the first question i have to ask in responding before I can even start investigating is: What server are you talking about??

    If you had posted this in the support section of the relevant modpack, then that would have at least been more apparent, but even then we need to know which server specifically (we have 3 monster servers, 2 b-team servers and 2 agrarian skies servers, so even just saying that it happened on monster for example, doesn't tell us whether you mean M1, M2 or M+ etc), so always state the server name when requesting assistance please.

    As for the issue of your missing enderthermic pump, I'll respond further once I know which server this relates to.
  3. Dubstep_Teflon

    Dubstep_Teflon New Member

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    I was talking about the Horizons server I clicked on the Horizons tab but I guess it redirected me, sorry about not doing it in the right one and not specifying im just tired of people stealin my shit because I can't protect it. Someone told me that you couldn't claim in the nether because it gets reset every now and again so idk..
  4. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member Patron Tier 1

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    Right, well I don't actually play horizons myself, but assuming horizons uses the same plugins as monster, you should be able to protect your pump by putting a vanilla sign on the side of it with [private] on the first line.

    You will know if it worked because when the text appears on the sign when you close the edit window, your username will appear on the second line automatically.

    If that works, then until you break that sign, no one else will be able to pick up the pump.

    I'm just in the middle of something now, but i'll hop over and see if i can find who stole the pump and get it back for you in a bit.
  5. Arachnyd

    Arachnyd New Member

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    Horizons has been having an issue with ender pumps 'poofing' after a crash or restart. I made the presumption that the new 'no lava pumping from the nether' rule was to address this. I may have been wrong....

  6. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member Patron Tier 1

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    I'm not sure about them going poof though I did hear of the same happening on Monster a bit ago, and I honestly hadn't even heard of the no lava pumping rule until now so that must be pretty new lol, can't say I particularly agree with it either considering nether lava pumps is one of the de-facto early-mid game sources of RF..

    In this case it was a genuine theft though, I went over last night and found the thief "snip123x" in the prism log.
  7. KeeperFX

    KeeperFX New Member

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    Wouldn't be the first time something vanishing to be news. I've lost, most recently i can recall, a 16:1 bedrock gear on horizons, in my own claim. Not a hugeeee set back, but a bit more investment in diamonds than i expected to make to get my breaker back up and running just to replace that gear box...meh.

    It also doesn't make sense to not allow nether lava pumping if its getting reset every so often. If it never got reset, or vast amounts of time in between, then it would make sense i guess.
  8. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    Slind fixed the "poof" awhile back when it was happening to me all the time, and {private} works on pumps and trancevers just fine
  9. Arachnyd

    Arachnyd New Member

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    1:32 AM
    Ok, I didn't get the notification that the poofing was fixed.

  10. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    8:32 AM
    I should update this. Ender pumps are fine to use in the nether, all other pumps are not as they cause lava flow on every pumped block which causes a lot of resource consumption to calculate
    chaosblad3 likes this.

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