Agrarian Skies 2.1.3 Changelog

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by OnkelOpti, May 6, 2014.

  1. OnkelOpti

    OnkelOpti New Member

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    4:14 PM
    unfortunately there is no HQM update included yet

    Agrarian Skies: Hardcore Quest 2.1.3 - Public Modpack Listings - Feed The Beast

    PS: if it is the wrong forum, please move the thread
    Last edited: May 6, 2014
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    yeah and the bug isn't fixed yet but I'm happy that it is being worked on and hopefully get a solution soon. Next to this there might be something stopping us from updating as I heard that the thermal expansion conduits with stuffed items and the drawbridges crash the server on chunk load.
  3. OnkelOpti

    OnkelOpti New Member

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    4:14 PM
    lalala, thats nothing i want to hear about :D
    but i'm sure you guys will work on this an find a solution :)

    nevertheless, really great work from all of you!

    edit: persoanlly i have no problems without chuckloaders. it makes the whole thing a bit more hardcore :)
  4. MaxUumen

    MaxUumen New Member

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    It's not about chunkloaders but whenever chunks are loaded into memory.
  5. Leglerm

    Leglerm Well-Known Member

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    As i read the ftb forum...isn't there a config to change stuffed item thing to 0?
    So i woulnd't bug out
  6. OnkelOpti

    OnkelOpti New Member

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    oh, then i missunderstood this.

    but i firmly believe that jadedcat and the other guys will work on this. the multiplayer thing is to funny to not fix this :)
  7. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    yeah that might work, besides that there is still the issue with the drawbridges which might be able to solve by setting its id to 0 as well.
  8. JasonB42

    JasonB42 New Member

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  9. OnkelOpti

    OnkelOpti New Member

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    at least he'll have a look at it
  10. JasonB42

    JasonB42 New Member

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    LordDusk also stated that he will only look if someone can reproduce on a forge only server. I'm not that knowledgeable, but to do this it sounds like someone would have to setup a server w/o multiplayer protections (which no one would do) and then get over 1024 people to login.

    I guess their locked down & white-list only forgecraft servers never get over 1k people logging in?

    PS: Slind14 is absolutely correct that only 10 bits (aka: 1024) are reserved for players in the code.
  11. Leglerm

    Leglerm Well-Known Member

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    Well maybe if it is even possible, can the admins just set up a test server without plugins.
    Just to let people login..there will be no world or anything.
    So the people get added to the HQM File.
    And broadcast it on our 2 AS Server and people just log in and log out.
    Dont have to be a big one maybe just 5 Slots (if more people login)

    So that we can test this on forge and this dev finally gets what he wants
  12. OnkelOpti

    OnkelOpti New Member

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    i think its worth a try.
    an empty server does not realy cost any hardware ressources. but when i have a look on how long it took on AS2 to reach the HQM file limit, it will probably lake to long to reach it on the testserver.
    but prove me wrong :D
  13. MaxUumen

    MaxUumen New Member

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    They already have all they need and more to fix the bug. They could easily create thousands of fake player data instances in their code and test if they get saved and loaded correctly. There's no point using our time to feed their laziness.
  14. OnkelOpti

    OnkelOpti New Member

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    4:14 PM
    thats an other point
    as i read the bugtracker, i was wondering why this guy even made a mod for such a big community if he dont really want to support it
  15. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    • A tool to detect orphaned and duplicated TileEntities.
    Let the banning begin, muahahahaha. Just kidding, I hope.
  16. JasonB42

    JasonB42 New Member

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    I can't even justify this as laziness, especially when it is such as obvious (10bits=1024) thing.

    He did say "If not, go get your money from players elsewhere". Maybe he hates big servers, thinks they are cheating him or something? Or maybe an ego "Doesn't effect me, jump through my hoops" thing?

    The whole situation confuses me.
  17. Twilight_Dreamz

    Twilight_Dreamz New Member

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    I would log in to help prove this issue to him.
  18. JasonB42

    JasonB42 New Member

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    If only we could all login to a server he maintains, the problem would become important to the developers really quick.

    EDIT: I don't mean this in a spiteful way, just that the developers don't seem to care about larger servers, yet larger servers can't be run without additional protections. This would be the easiest way to give them the data they need.

    Should have phrased the above: If only the developers would allow us all to login to a server they maintain, the problem would become apparent to them very quickly.
    Last edited: May 8, 2014
  19. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    4:14 PM
    They know how to program and are not doing it for the first time. If they look at their own code and see the 10 bits they should know that this makes issues as soon as the max of 1024 gets hit. As we pointed out this issue and their knowledge to know about the bits, I think there is no point in proving it with server where they than might say, mhh could be anything, could still be mcpc. We told them that they save it with 10 bits and that it is an issue with a lot of players, if you wrote a mod like this you should be able to understand it as soon as someone points it out that detailed and do not need further information or "evidence" as you already got the evidence of mathematics which points directly to the source of the issue.

    I hope they will look into it and come up with a solution soon, or at least give us the statement like, we give a fuck about (bigger) servers and we can just move on with the knowledge not to expect anything from them in future.
  20. Vanroden

    Vanroden Guest

    you can turn the stuffed up mode off before updating, COFH/ thermalexpansion.cfg
    i have heard setting it to false reduces the risk

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