Ferret is a super laggy server. I know that a lot of work is going into fixing it, and hopefully staff will be able to figure out what is wrong. But until then, is there any way we could get a temporary recipe for dragon hearts? With the low Tick rate, doing the ritual that summons the ender dragon just continuously loops, not able to complete. Maybe 4xcharged draconium blocks In the corners, 4xDiamond blocks in a + shape, and a resurrection stone in the middle? Sorry, I dont know how to make a recipe, lol.
I don't really see why one would be needed, as its a technical problem, and not a rule change or a permanent change that will effect the server or others gameplay, but I added one regardless.
i see 1 problem with it, anyone can just get a tons of hearts without having to fight a greater end dragon, even people that normally wouldn't be able to handle a greater end dragon and skipping half of the getting a heart,
Thats why it should just be temporary. as it stands now, no one can get any hearts. Collecting mob souls for the Resurrection stone requires you have a draconium sword (or the reaper enchant) and even then, its a rare drop. With the amount of users we have playing, I doubt there would be a lot of players that have tons of souls to use for the Resurrection stone. So I don't see many people getting hearts that arent ready for them. Or, the recipe could be harder. Say, A charged draconium block surrounded by resurrection stones? Thats 32 souls and 9 charged draconium blocks. I'm not asking for it to be easy, lol. I'm just asking for an alternative, since the current Tick rate prevents the summoning of the dragon, at all.
No, I haven't been able to spawn one since the update. The ritual just loops, over and over again. The tick rate has been too low to be able to do so. Which, again, is why the word "temporary" has been used.
I think this recipe is fine since those are the items that you need to have for the ritual in the first place
or, you know, you could fly to the chaos islands... They spawn every 10k blocks, so they exist at [x=-20k,z=10k], [x=40k,z=-30k] etc They contain 1 chaos guardian (dragon), and the End should be reset weekly now, so there should be islands for everyone
you know.... how are you supposed to beat them when you can only beat them when you have draconic armor....
Chaos islands don't spawn on ferret The tps issues might have recently been solved by one of our jr-admins so will hopefully allow you to kill one now
I beat them on Infinity using wyvern armour, and a wyvern bow... Not to speak of, that the ressurection ritual makes the dragon harder and harder... There is also the more grinding option, to Use MagicBees + GenDustry. You can ressurect the vanilla dragon using phantasmal bees, by using the dragon eggs, which you can make more of using the draconic bees
I summoned a dragon with the resurrection ritual on Ferret earlier with no trouble while tps was hovering at around 12... I get that sometimes the tps drops lower than that and it can indeed take a lot longer for the dragon to actually spawn, but over on infinity i've seen dragons successfully spawned at less than 4 tps, it just required the player spawning it to afk above the ritual for 5-10 minutes, but the dragon DOES eventually spawn as long as you DON'T leave the area while the thunder is still going on.
I just got a successful summon. the TPS issue seems to be almost completely gone now. I'd like to thank the staff for all of their hard work to make it playable without a reset
After fixing the chunk loading issue last night TPS seems to be much better. Going to reject the change for now unless but allow for re-petition later if something happens.