Banned words

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Boom39, Oct 22, 2015.

  1. Boom39

    Boom39 New Member

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    Talking on this server can be stressful as you might get yelled at for using a word that isnt on the blacklist and is still considered bad such as "damn" having a blacklist for these word available on the forum or in game in the help command menu would be helpful in order to keep the chat clean.
  2. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    That type of word should not be censored, while really mature words should be censored.
  3. Boom39

    Boom39 New Member

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    i agree with you sure its a family server but come on its 2015 im pretty sure every kid who owns minecraft know words that are way worst
  4. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    there are parents who want to keep their kinds in a freindly enviorment on the server still, one example of whom @JacaRoe
    JacaRoe likes this.
  5. ItsNora_

    ItsNora_ Names not actually Noah Booster

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    Also keep in mind (not wanting to make it seem ridiculous) but some religious beliefs find words more offensive then others, damn is an example of one of them. In the town I was raised in it was frowned upon when used.
  6. Kazeodori

    Kazeodori Well-Known Member

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    The worst words are generally censored, and then there are some odd ones that are. I was talking about making a mob mad, saying don't piss off the mob, and the p word was *'d out. I honestly don't consider that offensive or a curse word, but since so many times things can degenerate to potty humor... Maybe it is a good idea.
  7. Boom39

    Boom39 New Member

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    i understand that and agree to a certain point but if you use the internet you should expect these petty words and shouldn't be phased by it[DOUBLEPOST=1445487671][/DOUBLEPOST]
    thats the thing the censorship should be adapted to todays vocabulary not the one from the 1800's
  8. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    Regardless, this is how we've stated ourselves as a Network. (Family Friendly)
    To be honest with you, I prefer not to see swear words in the chat, and I'd never use them personally, considering I don't see any need for it personally.

    What's the biggest reason for it to be uncensored, what does it change, how does it change it for the better?
    Ladysarajane likes this.
  9. Boom39

    Boom39 New Member

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    Swear words should be censored yes but the way its being done its near impossible to adapt to it without having a list for them because when there is a rule saying no bad language you wouldnt expect damn and pissed to be part of that list
  10. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    Honestly, I think I would expect "damn" and "pissed" to be apart of that censor list, and especially pissed.
    If I were a father of children that were playing on the network, I wouldn't expect them to be exposed to such words at such a small age, especially on a child focus appealed game.

    I don't think that I can personally think of a sentence including "pissed" that doesn't make the word sound rude.
    This is just my opinion on it of course, and I'm just trying to understand why the change would be needed.
    super_why likes this.
  11. Kazeodori

    Kazeodori Well-Known Member

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    One big thing. The very moment a "bad word" list is created, people will start abusing it. They will find words that aren't on the list, and use them. Then get mouthy with people or mods when they get in trouble for using those words by saying "it's not on the list so I can say it."
    So no, I don't think there needs to be a list. Think of it this way, if you can't use the word on a resume, then don't say it.
  12. alfiealfie

    alfiealfie Well-Known Member

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    think of it this way, this is the one time you have to use normal people words, anything that is universally considered offensive, for example the "N" word and the "F" word are censored along with a few other major ones, the ones that aren't but still might be offensive in some households are frowned upon, but you don't get in any sort of trouble, and tbh if i where a father of children from ten and below i wouldn't expose my kids to that kind of language either, it doesn't matter how flexible today's society is, lots of people can still be offended, so if you think about the positives being family friendliness and the negatives being a few annoyed teenagers and angry adults,
  13. Boom39

    Boom39 New Member

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    this is already happening with the automatic censorship system so the draw backs would be the same on that end but for the people who actually want to stay within the boundries of the rules it could help them not to mention this is an idea ive seen brought up multiple times by users in the regrowth server
  14. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    I do think that there's a valid discussion to be had about some words tbh, I have often seen various staff warning players for using the word "damn" in particular, and I get that some "deeply religious" people might find it somewhat offensive like Maniacal said, but I honestly don't see any problem with people using it as long as it is used responsibly and in moderation.

    As one of the few staff members other than the founders themselves who has been with MyM since before the PG mentality was first brought in and remembers what it was like when people could get away with openly swear in chat, and as staff we merely encouraged people to keep it to a minimum, certainly I do think that moving to PG was a great thing for the most part, but honestly as we are now I do sometimes think that we have gone a bit too far and ended up with an unnecessary nanny state in some cases.

    I think players do need some words they can use out of frustration from time to time, it's only natural that if you've just dropped something valuable into lava for example, that you want to say something in chat to vent frustration (fyi this was exactly the point that Slind made when we discussed adopting the PG policy in the first place, and which I still completely agree with), and I'd much rather encourage people to make use of mild language like "damn" or even "crap" than typing something stronger out of habit and then getting in trouble for it.

    That is afterall how the PG movie rating would have it, words like "crap" are allowed to used in moderation in movies with a PG rating, just nothing stronger than that, and I think that's the balance that we need to find, where we can maintain a primarily "family friendly" environment, but where people still have the freedom to use a few words that are "mildly offensive" to vent with rather than being forced to resort to pathetic, wimpy words like "darn" which just aren't anywhere near as satisfying!
    MBacon15, cbrozak and pizzaluc like this.
  15. Boom39

    Boom39 New Member

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    as Kazeodori said "dont piss of the mob" doesnt make the word sound rude in fact it just sounds like a synonym to anger also minecraft is not oriented to any specific age but a specific mindset and that is creativity[DOUBLEPOST=1445490084][/DOUBLEPOST]
    i couldn't have said it better... seriously my mindset would not of allowed me to say it any better then that. What i have seen so far the "family friendly" part of the server is more of a child friendly setting than anything else proving your point where words like darn would feel ridiculous to use.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2015
  16. alfiealfie

    alfiealfie Well-Known Member

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    i think its fine the way it is, tbh i dont like when people swear in chat, i find it annoying, i find it more so when someones username is offensive
  17. Boom39

    Boom39 New Member

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    offensive usernames that i agree they just seem pointless and devoid of creativity but as chaosblad3 said sometimes they are useful to releave frustration
  18. alfiealfie

    alfiealfie Well-Known Member

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    just put an exclamation mark in chat, same effect
  19. Boom39

    Boom39 New Member

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    i see that you want nothing to do with someone elses perspective on the situation so i will stop trying to make you understand what we are talking about
  20. Rebelborn

    Rebelborn Well-Known Member

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    so the server is pg 5-12? in pg 13 u can use the f word

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