I noticed that whenever you download a modpack (with the MyM launcher), every single mod gets downloaded indiscriminately. Many modpacks share same mods and versions, wouldn't that be better to have such mods excluded from the download list and retrieve them from a local cache instead?
Could work, But I guess that would mean changing things round. Maybe @Slind or @SirWill has some ideas about this.
they use a sysetem that will atomaticly check the mod version and if its already been downloaded it will get it from another pack much less to download for the client[DOUBLEPOST=1445795311,1445789051][/DOUBLEPOST]no mater what happens for that to work they will have to change the launcher
While I like the idea it is a rather big change which I'm not convinced would be worth it. Do you mind on showing the similarity (same mod version's) between packs you play. I doubt it being a lot and justifying a major change.
i think it would be worth it as it would allow packs to download alot faster and if some one has a data cap then it will save them alot of data plus its more efficant
i dont know i just read it on twitter they said they had a system that did it[DOUBLEPOST=1445849225,1445848661][/DOUBLEPOST]i belive they will check through the mods already downloaded and if there is a mod with the same version it will copy it instead of redownloading it
Yes, But could you make a list of these mods for slind, So he can see how many there is? Because he would need to make sure its worth it.
Just a few of the most popular mods Spoiler: Thermal Expansion Note that 4 packs all have the same version Spoiler: MineFactory Note that 5 packs have the same version Spoiler: Ae2 Note that 6 packs have the same version Spoiler: CofhCore Note that 6 packs have the same version
there quite large mods meaning this will be much more efficant and means that your download severs will have to do less work as well as the clients internet connection[DOUBLEPOST=1445850487,1445849726][/DOUBLEPOST]ok i have done an experiment with curse's launcher and the mym launcher using ftb: horizons: daybraker mym took 1:35 curse forge took 1:10 25 seconds per person is quite a bit[DOUBLEPOST=1445851713][/DOUBLEPOST] Spoiler: shared mods aobd 2.84 appliedenergistics2-rv2-stable-10 BiblioWoods[BiomesOPlenty][v1.9] BiblioWoods[Forestry][v1.7] BiblioWoods[Natura][v1.5] BigReactors-0.4.3A binnie-mods-2.0-pre14 BiomesOPlenty-1.7.10- ChickenChunks-1.7.10- CodeChickenCore-1.7.10- CoFHCore-[1.7.10]3.0.3-303 ComputerCraft1.74 denseores-1.6.2 EnderStorage-1.7.10- fastcraft-1.21 Hats-4.0.1 HatStand-4.0.0 IC2NuclearControl-2.2.5a-GoingForTheKill iChunUtil-4.2.2 InfiniBows-1.7.10-universal-coremod- INpureCore-[1.7.10]1.0.0B9-62 InventoryTweaks-1.59-dev-152 ironchest-1.7.10- Jabba-1.2.1a_1.7.10 journeymap-1.7.10-5.1.0-unlimited Mantle-1.7.10-0.3.2 MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104 MineTweaker3-1.7.10-3.0.9C mystcraft-1.7.10- natura-1.7.10- neiaddons- NEIIntegration-MC1.7.10-1.0.12 NotEnoughItems-1.7.10- OpenBlocks-1.7.10-1.4.4 OpenModsLib-1.7.10-0.8 OpenPeripheralAddons-1.7.10-0.4 OpenPeripheralCore-1.7.10-1.2 OpenPeripheralIntegration-1.7.10-0.3 PortalGun-4.0.0-beta-5 ProjectRed-1.7.10-4.7.0pre9.92-Base ProjectRed-1.7.10-4.7.0pre9.92-Compat ProjectRed-1.7.10-4.7.0pre9.92-Integration ProjectRed-1.7.10-4.7.0pre9.92-Lighting ProjectRed-1.7.10-4.7.0pre8.92-World RedstoneArsenal-[1.7.10]1.1.1-89 ResourceLoader-1.2 StevesCarts2.0.0.b18 StevesFactoryManagerA93 Thaumcraft-1.7.10- ThaumicExploration-1.7.10-1.1-37 ThaumicTinkerer-2.5-1.7.10-502 ThermalDynamics-[1.7.10]1.1.0-161 ThermalExpansion-[1.7.10]4.0.3B1-218 ThermalFoundation-[1.7.10]1.2.0-102 TiCTooltips-mc1.7.10-1.2.5 TMechworks-1.7.10- Translocator-1.7.10- twilightforest-1.7.10-2.3.7 witchery-1.7.10-0.24.1 WR-CBE-1.7.10- here are the mods that are shared between direwolf20s latest version and infintys latest version as you can see there are quite a few
There is something wrong with your connection to our servers or the results are not right (e.g. you did not untick the additional/optional mods/texturepacks/soundfiles..). Horizons Daybreaker: 0:36,01 (MyM Launcher, without optional mods/texturepack but including additional mods that are not optional and big (+20 mb) as they include the sound files for example) 2:16,35 (Curse launcher, with direwolf, infinity, agrarien skies... all already installed) The major difference being caused by the concurrent downloads of our launcher where curse is doing one after another causing the download speed to be non consistent (going up and down like a street with a red traffic light for every mod). There is more potential in removing liteloader for example. As without it the loading time of the packs would increase by around 30 seconds on a fast (ssd and powerful cpu) computer. On top this would be every launch not just download. Traffic cost for us, with those few downloads are non existent. We don't need to worry about the first 10 tb on every server, if we would go above we would simply use a mbit package.. but once you get there you probably need a cdn anyways.. (I bet the downloads don't even get close to TB per month.) So calculating this all though, we would probably thousand fold as many players until it gets to a point where it might be worth it. Don't forget to cut off all the users that only play one or two packs. The packs not always using the same mod version... If we put it on the todo list and sort it in by advantage compared to resources required it would probably be at the end of the list.
Hello, I don't think you are understanding what anyone in this thread is telling you. Please re-read the entire thread as I am here laughing at the major disconnect. As benny has shown and Slind explained, most modpacks use different versions of the mod. The only increase you'd see is if we went to a technic style launcher where it downloads delta changes on modpack updates/versions.