So I literally have bugger all of an idea as to where to put this so I decided here. At first, I wanted this kept private, but then it came to me. Why keep something private? When it can be used as a lesson. Many lessons in fact. Last night at around 11pm a few of my close family members were in a pretty bad car crash and ended up passing away in hospital earlier this morning. Now, some may be wondering, "but Noah? How can this be a lesson?" Well let me tell you. People underestimate life and its continued value and there of, some need to understand that you MUST value every single bit of it, no matter the cost. Whether that means you miss your favourite TV show, can't play video games for a while or even read a book. Always spend time with your family and friends, my family's time is running short (not to be morbid) and so is everyone else's. Always be thankful for what you have, and never let go of the ones you love. Because one day, one horrible day ( God forbid) one of your family members will pass and you'll have to deal with the grief. Value life, Value friends, Mostly, value family.
Noah i hope everything goes ok i my self always think what i will do when my dear mom is no longer here and just the thought of it makes me cry its sad when the closes humans to your side are gone i really hope the best
My sympathies noah, it's always sad to lose those closest to you, but fortunately we live in a world where we can make new connections, and new bonds to people, may your loved ones rest in piece
Mania I'm sorry to hear about your family members. I cannot imagine how devastated you and the rest of your family are. My family and I will keep you all in our thoughts. <3<3<3
Not to darken the mood any further, but 11 people like that your family was in a car crash Sorry to hear about this Man, I hope you can get through this ^_^
Seriously? I could use a dislike button right now. Noah, you have my deepest sympathies and I find it really good that you express your feelings here in an open way and encourage people to live their lives in a better and more connected way. (And yes that might even implicate to play less Minecraft with random people online)
Like on social media, Such as forums and facebook ect, Has multiple meanings not just because you "Like" the said quote, It can be that you approve, Your sorry for them, Its a way of saying I have read this and I agree, Im sorry for you Ect. Its a way of talking without words.