(Feedback/Suggestion) Random Items From Tokens

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by saphiredragon89, Nov 13, 2015.


Which option would you like to see?

  1. Option One: Full stack of building blocks.

    2 vote(s)
  2. Option Two: Exclude building blocks from random items.

    3 vote(s)
  1. saphiredragon89

    saphiredragon89 New Member

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    11:38 AM
    With the switch over to the new credits system for votes I have some feedback I'd like to share for random items. Shortly after having switched I spent some tokens on a random item and got a single piece of sandstone scribbles (Chisel). Now I do recall getting this item before on the previous system but it didn't bother me then because you got all three rewards (MYMs, Claim Blocks, and 1 item). Now, however, you're choosing your reward and while getting a building blocks as a reward isn't bad per say, my problem is I got a single one. This is, without using more vulgar language, a pretty big slap in the face. It's like saying "Thanks for voting and spending your tokens on an item, have one that is totally useless on its own with no resale value whatsoever." So I have two possible suggestions for this:

    1) When a building block is the 'random item' selected from the pool, give a full stack of that item. Not including Obsidian or other similar blocks that serve other functions. That way you could, if you wanted to, build something with said building block.
    2) Exclude building blocks from the random item pool. The item is still random, and may not be of use to you, but will likely be useful to someone else so you could sell it on the market.
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    5:38 PM
    The reason of it being only one item, is that the current system doesn't allow for more and we haven't customized it yet.
    Now with the system being random and like a lottery, I don't see it bad to have those "troll" items, though ofc. only within an acceptable balance.
    Might I ask on which server you are playing?
  3. DarkHeated666

    DarkHeated666 Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    10:38 AM
    Maybe option 3: Random amounts of building blocks.
    I personally never voted expecting serious rewards, so random blocks and random amounts of blocks seems more fun for me personally.
    A stack might be a bit much though, as on some servers you might get some crazy expensive "building block" for free.
    Just saying.
  4. saphiredragon89

    saphiredragon89 New Member

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    Local Time:
    11:38 AM
    Infinity Evolved Expert Node 2

    Interesting to hear that you can't customize yet. And I'm not disagreeing with there being items that aren't very valuable, I've gotten a few saplings before which are 'trolly' but they're not utter garbage. A single piece of standstone is a bit over that line in my opinion. It brings to mind Direwolf20's Agrarian skies series where epic and legendary bags were giving them things like... stacks of wood planks. Trolly but in a lighthearted way.

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