Today I did my Sword of the Wyvern, when I put it to charge the capacitor bank she vanished, disconnected and reconnected to see if it was just a bug viasual, but she really gone Help me, it was hard to get the nether star
Sorry we dont issue refunds. The best case might be the item was stolen or fell out of your inventory.. But theft is unlikely and if it did fall out it has likely been deleted.
banned from market trade, he has to privately contact someone for it, and pay ALOT, this is infinty evolved hardmode after all
wrong! if you have made it before you can contact someone privately and buy it from someone, @chaosblad3 made this rule during the PREVIOUS time he was an admin which was nearly a year ago, so i understand your not knowing of this little known rule
As far as I know, nether stars are not classified as end game on Infinity Hard Mode. You go through them like candy for so many things. Infinity Evolved - Endgame Items
The sword itself would be banned, but starting comment implied it was just the nether star that was hard.
Marking thread done from lack of response, please reply/make a ticket if you are still having issues. Thanks and happy playing