Hello, since the server is not realy stable, even with few admin/mod try. I think we could get more restart. Like once hour. because after a restart, the server is stable for some time. So for me, it would be a good idea. I made a poll to see if players think it's a good idea.
It would be something else then. Minion has already said that it is the Tardis and Galacticcraft rockets causing chunks to forceload. So restarting the server just brings all these forced chunks back online with it. So yes, it is good for a little bit because there aren't many players on but restarting it just annoys everyone and people quit and it restarts with less players. I repeat: The forced chunks load with the restart anyways. It does absolutely nothing.
Yes and staff are only now within the last few days aware of it and have moved forward with attempts to fix it. The best thing you can do in that situation is get in contact with a staff member via forums or Team speak. I have been through many declines in tps to where it just hangs and a restarts have done nothing, to very little, to fix it.
Sounds like the solution is for moderators or admins to forcibly remove resource heavy machinery from those Galacticraft force loaded chunks.
A good suggestion but the force loaded chunks aren't always even populated by anything a player made or did. The chunk is where the GC rockets land, or where the tardis lands, or where it moves to. The position that item is in, is force loaded, and every time the server lags these are amassing and when the restarts happen these chunks load again. The solution would be for admins to close the chunks one by one until TPS has returned to normal. Minion has stated that they are trying to find a way to fix the code to not do that but it will take time.