Info Bugs and problems after the Server Update

Discussion in 'Direwolf20' started by RaighoW, Dec 13, 2015.

  1. RaighoW

    RaighoW Well-Known Member

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    Hello, here you can post all the new problemes and bugs that appreared after the sunday 13 december update.

    Item: Eye of the Flügel : 6298
    Item description: This item allows player to teleport to 12 waypoints. The waypoints normaly apprears when the player hold the eye in hand.
    Bug: After the update, when the player holds the eye in hand nothing appear and clicking does nothing.
    Mod: Botania
    Item: Fruit of Grisaia
    Item description: Never ending fruit that can be eaten for ever and restor player's hunger bar.
    Bug: the fruit can be eaten but the hunger bar don't fill up enymore when eating the fruit.
    (found nothing about that in the official changelogs of botania)
    [edit] the hunger bar wasn't moving in the bedrock world. a /home made it full again. So i can be a visual bug on the hunger bar.
    Mod: Tinker's Construct
    Item: Pickaxe 5456:2
    Item desciption: While holding in hand, this item allows you , when you press the right botton of your mouse, to place down the first item on the right in your pickaxe (in your item bar). For exemple a torch or a block.
    Bug: This option doesn't works anymore, you now have to select your item to place it.
    Mod: ???
    Item: none
    Description/bug: There is a new freature added today on the Direwolf20 server, that allow people to add friends but when someone accept the request and then try to change world:(nether=>overworld, overworld=>deep dark or other)
    the server crash and when someone who has accepted a friend request try to connect to the server this one crash immediatly.
    I've accepted one in the deep dark world, and when i did /home the server crashed. Every time i'm connecting to the server this one crash. I can't play anymore and i don't want to crash the server every minutes so i'm waiting for a admin/mod/dev to remove the problem.

    Sonner the problem will be remove less people will have this issu and less people will crash the server while trying to connect to it.
    Mod: Nei?
    Item: X
    Description: In the NEI panel, you can see the recepies that contain a particular item when you right click on it.
    Bug: When you right click on a item (tested with apatite and cobblestone) in the NEI panel, the game crash (openend with mym launcher)
    Lest click does not close minecraft, only the right click does.
    Pressing "U" on a item to see the recepices also close the game
    Mod: Applied energistics2
    Item: ME Import Bus / ME export Bus
    Description: when when right clicking in the ME Export Bus, the player can choose what blocks can pass through
    Bug: When the player right click on the ME export Bus or the ME Import Bus, all the crafts the player did in his inventory (the 2x2 grid) will rockback into the first items. (tested with crafting a fussy card (card+wool) and a block of quartz (2x2 nether quartz) )
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2015
    LunaBlossoms, Ackross and Scull like this.
  2. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Please try to join again, there was no crash-report about your issue but ender io farming station.
  3. RaighoW

    RaighoW Well-Known Member

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    to you need me to connect and send you the logs?

    [EDIT] i had time to do some steps in my house, i accidentaly broke a block when i wanted to change my morph and the server crached again.
  4. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Just try to join and let me know if it still crashes
  5. RaighoW

    RaighoW Well-Known Member

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    I've connected again, the chat as time to say me a had new mail then the server crashed again. this time i didn't move, clic or changed morph.

    i'm on teamspeack, direwolf20 channel
  6. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Still farming station, please try again
  7. RaighoW

    RaighoW Well-Known Member

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    I did connect, i'm on the server. i had time to remove the player from my friend list and the server looks like it's not crashing.
    Ive removed the grinder from my mob farm. i've saw you did remove 2 of 3 of my farming stations, i did remove the third. the server is running, i've changed morph everything seen to be working for now

    are you sure it was the farming station, because i've logged in before the crash problem and my farming stations were working fine, no lags, no freezes
  8. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    MAYBE, you should check the CHANGELOG :O
  9. RaighoW

    RaighoW Well-Known Member

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    Please read more carefully next time, there is a cote in my first message that explain it.
  10. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    yes, but it still WORKS, lol just look at the book
  11. ElectricLemonade

    ElectricLemonade Well-Known Member

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    If it worked properly for him, he wouldn't be making a support post. Please be a little more considerate in your forum replies. If you have something constructive to suggest then do so.
    Ackross likes this.
  12. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    I'm sorry if i see this bug report that only came in after a MAJOR change, and the first change he sites it the eye of the fluegel, which now costs mana, and i tested before, it works after the update, i tested myself, so, anything?
  13. ElectricLemonade

    ElectricLemonade Well-Known Member

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    That is what a support post is for, if you have a suggestion on how he should test it then by all means comment. But unconstructive comments are unnecessary.
    Ackross, Scull and RaighoW like this.
  14. RaighoW

    RaighoW Well-Known Member

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    i've readed all the changelogs of botania i can find, and i can't find the eye of the flugel part where they say they've passt the number of waypoint from 12 to only 1.

    he/she only says:
    "Repurposed the Eye of the Flugel a bit, I wasn't happy with what it did before."
  15. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    Google is your Friend
    Repurposed the Eye of the Flugel a bit, I wasn't happy with what it did before
    The Dice of Fate no longer hurts players if they're not the right owner.The elven portal is now much faster at outputting the stuff you put in.The Flugel Tiara now has a limit of how much you can fly with it.The Fruit of Grisaia, Ring of Loki and Eye of the Flugel now use mana.
    RaighoW likes this.
  16. RaighoW

    RaighoW Well-Known Member

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    Added report, fruit of grisaia[DOUBLEPOST=1450026898,1450024776][/DOUBLEPOST]Added repport NEI.
    Minecraft crash when the player right click on a item[DOUBLEPOST=1450029319][/DOUBLEPOST]added repport ME import and Export bus
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2015
  17. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    ok, ARE YOU USING THESE ITEMS WITH MANA? DO YOU READ THE BOOK? because GUESS WHAT! they require MANA now, :O you would KNOW this you read the book and changelog, -.-
  18. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    chugga, what about normal casing and staying friendly?
    Ackross likes this.
  19. RaighoW

    RaighoW Well-Known Member

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    Chugga_fan please read the quotes. it's the second time you've ignore it.
    Ackross likes this.
  20. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    btw @chugga_fan can you show us how to. It doesn't seem to work that way. Bring some evidence :p
    Ackross, Kutao217 and RaighoW like this.

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