Hi guys, can we have a more frequent ender dragon spawn system? we all need to kill him for a quest to get further. 1 end reset each week gives 1 player the change to go further down the quest line. Thx guys
You do know that Regrowth has mariculture? You do know that Mariculture allows you to get spawn eggs? You do know that one of mentioned spawn eggs is for the ender dragon? If you didn't know before, you do now
Mariculture/FishDragon.java at 2dc1786a414c6255ca8edeab70685ffcc4aa4adb · joshiejack/Mariculture · GitHub TL;DR Mariculture adds its own dragon-egg (spawn egg). You can gain this through the Dragon Fish, which you will need to breed. (It has a 0.1% chance to give the egg, if I read it correctly, so it may take some time) Also, Regrowth has MagicBees. I'm unsure if it is the right addon for forestry, but see if you have the Phantasmal Bee in the modpack. (Forestry's Bee API makes all bee's register under Forestry) Go to the end, put one Phantasmal Queen in an apiary/Bee House (Bee house is cheaper) and drop a dragon egg (if you are in short supply, get the Draconic Bees as well ) and see what happens
It may be easier, but as far as I can tell, the methods I mentioned are the intended ways to spawn the dragon, on Regrowth. We just allow for easier access to the dragon due to the farmworld resets.
i dont think thats the intended way, since first you have to craft an end portal to visit the end, in sp you always have a dragon to kill.
That's getting to the end. Now, most modpack creators do think about servers. (How to make things replenishable) The methods I mentioned makes the Ender-Dragon replenishable, and once again, seems to be the intended ways.