I'm surprised that @chugga_fan hasn't already posted about it, but since he hasn't, I will. WarpTheory has some features that would be pretty dang awesome, except that it's got some features that are absolutely gamebreaking and ruin the experience so badly that a person wouldn't want to play. Chugga had an 8x8 hole in his island from it, which left the entire quarter-chunk unable to be built in, and somebody else had warp eating (Destroying) blocks from spawn, completely bypassing the protection plugin. Also, since I'm already on the topic of Thaumic Skies, there's a recipe for Tainted Soil, but people are saying there's no research page for it in the Thaumonomicon. That's violating the law of the book, that you can't make it unless you have a page telling you how to.
I did post about it Warp effect kicks you if you talk in chat · Issue #18 · MyM-ModpackTeam/ThaumicSkies · GitHub there it is, on the git
I forgot about the git >.>[DOUBLEPOST=1451367471,1451360006][/DOUBLEPOST] Huh, I didn't know it was possible to do that. Thanks, @Ash00182 !
Yeah the effects should be disabled from now on. Thanks again @Ash00182 for your help. There's no research page in the thaumonomicon but it's tied to alchemical manufacture I think. Now that I think about it I should probably add it to the thaumic skies tab. Time for another fix
Please remove the warp effect lighning as well! It just randomly spawns lighnings upon you, doesn't get away, until a certain amount of them has been cast (if I dont misunderstand the code xD) and even kills you at spawn which doesnt only result in a loss of the normal items, but in a loss of your soulbound items as well!
The lightning effect doesn't ruin your experience, however. The WarpTongue completely disables your ability to talk, or, if it worked properly, would spam chat with indecipherable garbage. The WarpFall was also bad, since it griefs both spawn and your island. Lightning won't stop you, or others from playing. These two will.
risenation the blink warp effect can't tp you off your island! You must have walked off the edge when it tped you on the edge, or you must have blown off the is otherwise (maybe fans from your mobfarm or something like that
kindlich is correct. The WarpBlink wont TP you off your island, but it can put you near the edge. If you stand still when you get this warp effect and wait it out you wont die. If it did TP you off the island I would of disabled it, but I tested all the warp effects and disabled the game breaking ones.