Questbook, Section 5 requires you acomplish a bunch of tasks that aren`t doable at the moment, like ice queen from twilight forest or the erebus bosses. Maybe you could add crafting recipes for the spawn eggs? Or think about another workaround to be able to complete these quests.. Comments apreciated
I would like to see some crafting recipe personally for the spawn eggs or do a quest for them over having to purchase them with myms
they said they would add cragting recipys for spawn eggs in the twilight forest is perminatly removed thread
I Think he means all bosses needed for quests that aren't accessible due to server bugs or mod issues.
I've added a recipe for the Snow Queen spawn egg. Erebus Dimesion Portal, it seems, is currently broken - My project for today is to get that working.
i noticed that metallurgy tools aren't in the veinminer tool list, so i tweeted to cazador about the issue. it might be fixed next update.
There seems to be an issue with the snow queen spawn egg, first time I placed her she spawned and I destroyed her and for some reason it didn't count for the quest, that's not the problem, the next two times I try to spawn for the quest she just vanishes into thin air when I place the egg.
That might just be spawn limit being reached. I've already killed the snow queen, so once i get back on, i'll try spawning it in, and see if it appears, or poofs.