So, I've noticed that the space stations in ozone don't stay loaded after a server restart, which is fairly irritating as /home and the like can't teleport you to a dimension that is invalid. So, is it possible for the server configs to be edited to keep the dimensions loaded constantly instead of dynamically? If it's a matter of server resources that they can't be loaded to save on memory, I can understand that, but if possible it would help me and probably a lot of other players out who have decided to base in space. EDIT: I forgot to mention, but there are instructions on how to do this here.
Sorry, we can't do that. But teleportation provided by mods should work fine. At some point the chunkloader system will be updated to include world load, too.
I'm sorry if I'm missing something obvious, but plugin teleportation and mekanism teleportation don't allow this to work. Is there an alternative that would allow for this?
I haven't played the pack, here are a few that are liked to use in general: rftools portal mekanism portal linking book enhanced portals portal gun portal I'm sure there are many more ways.
there's also draconic evolution dislocators, easy-ish to make if you get ahold of about 16-20 draconium and a nether star which by that point you should already have [DOUBLEPOST=1452906981][/DOUBLEPOST]also, if i was to "base in space" i would probably do it on mars. course, if i had the choice, it would definitely be venus xD[DOUBLEPOST=1452907010][/DOUBLEPOST]#venusian settlements anybody?