So apparently I was told to start a support thread about this problem. Basically, I'm unable to fix my shiny hammer with shiny ingots - I also tried to fix it with platinum ingots and that didn't work too
Were you using your 2x2 crafting grid? If so, did you try a crafting table and/or a tool station? There are a couple of things I have found that could cause this, and just need some more info.
I tried everything Krhymez said to open a forum thread I used platinum and shiny in crafting table with tool station and the tool station itself
After some research, it seems this is actually a Thermal Foundation bug, and not a ExtraTiC bug, as TF adds it's own TiCon parts. It also appears it is a long running bug, so hopefully they will fix it in the near future.
Yes I knew that it was a mod bug and not a server one as I did indeed do some testing in SP and Kryhmez have told me the fact that it was a mod bug
It seems that I also cannot add the 'flux' modifier to my hammer (I tried using every capacitor and energy cell from TE)
They were re-added by Kryhmez I think - he said that extratic with TE is re - enabled upon next restart
flux capactiors take 2 mod slots and from my research shiny isnt repairble moss is always a solution if this thread is done could someone close it plz