Hi there! Welcome to this quick tutorial. So every day I got a lost of . Every 'Topic' and 'New Post' created on this forum gets put in here. And becouse some times when I would not look on the forums for some days I had like 4000 new posts! Also I dont like signs, becouse for me, it means "You have mail and you HAVE to read it". But, I'm lazy, I'm not going to read 4000 Posts spread over 500 different topics placed in different sub-forums from modpacks I don't play or don't like! So today I was looking through the 'preferences' to find a way to dwindle this amount. It took me a while to find it, so here I am sharing this with all of you! Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Edited my post to make it a Tutorial Could you move this to the Tips Tricks and Tutorial section of the forums?