Well, my primary issue with the plugin is that you can have a friend kill you for the bounty and share the reward, effectively taking the money from the player who set the bounty with little trouble.
Remove it, bounties can be sorted between players as a sort of business deal, The bounty system currently is to fragile for abuse. ie: 2 high profiled killers just get richer and richer by giving each other their bounty freely on a safe spot. Is this really a good way to go about with your MyM currency?
Luphadir has a point, and to boot I also have a problem with it. By asking a friend to place a bounty on someone they can be easily tracked using the /bounty locate, which makes no one safe from pvp oriented people.
Since the bounty plugin is meant to encourage PvP, and the pack's stated focus is not PvP, I'm not sure it has a place in this server. I think it's a waste of resources, and serves no useful purpose due the above poster's observations of ease of bypass.
I want it to stay because it encourage PvP and it is good addition for the modpack for more PvP players. How do you want to fix the problem The_Icy_One mentioned? You can't just disallow killing players for bounty nor sending money between players. I find this "exploit" useful because players that don't want to be affected by bounty system aren't affected.
I disagree. I don't place bounties lightly, so when I place one, I wanted to see player was killed by "enemy" not "teammate".
How can you remove this "exploit" then? You can not punish people for killing someone for bounty and punishing people for sending money is not possible neither.
Then it will be impossible to find those targets. Map is bigger than 5000*5000 blocks and there is limited time. You can make the locator less precise or maybe give much more time and then remove locator.